XXXIII. Shut Out

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I had felt my father pass on through the force. I entered the falcon, not really caring at the moment, too lost in grief. Then I saw it. The rush if air signaled the bond. I walked back out to where Rey stood in one of the corridors of the ship, rushing people to safety. She had felt it as well, but Snoke had created their bond. This was impossible.

Ben Solo strided in the Resistance base, missing us only by a few minutes. He crouched down on the floor to pick something up, then his head shot up. His and Rey's eyes met. Ben opened his mouth, as if to say something but then shut it. Rey suddenly looked on at him in anger and disappointment. 

She raised her hand shutting the ramp and him out

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

She raised her hand shutting the ramp and him out.

The bond ended so suddenly. Too quick. I looked at her.

"It's what has to be done Lilly." She said but I couldn't help but sense the twinge of sadness in her. We walked back to everyone only to have BB-8 scurry up to us. Rey smiled, crouching down and fixing it's purposely bent antenna. I noticed Poe approach us out of the corner of my eye. BB-8 chirped at the sight of it's master. Rey saw this and stood up.

"Hi." Poe said. Rey smiled and said it back. "I'm Poe." He said. Rey looked to me and then back at him. "I'm Rey." She replied. Poe then took my hand. "I know." He said. He kissed my forehead. Rey stepped away to give us privacy. Poe and I then approached Finn, who was covering an unconscious Rose with a blanket.

I briefly glanced into the drawer to see the Jedi text's from Ach-To sitting in their as if they belonged. I felt eyes on me as I noticed Rey looking at us. She held the severed halves of the saber in her hands. I could tell she wasn't thinking about us. She was thinking about Ben, she had failed in bringing him back. Only he could bring himself back now. Leia approached her. I excused myself and joined them.

Leia looked at Rey with sadness but yet knowing. I laid a hand on her shoulder and sat on the floor next to her.

"Luke is gone. I felt it. But it wasn't sadness or pain." Rey began. "It was peace and purpose." "I felt it, too." Leia added. I lowered my head. I was still feeling it. "I'm sorry to you both." Rey said. "But how do we build a Rebellion from this?" Leia reached out a hand and laid it on top of Rey's.

"We have everything we need." Leia said before standing up. I jumped up to keep her upright. She pushed me aside. "Before we head to our base. I have someplace I want to show my niece." Leia laid a hand on my shoulder. Their were a few murmurs and gasps through the rebels. Leia silenced them and looked to Chewie.

"Plot a course to Naboo." 

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