Chapter 66

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Astrila leads Kyma to the lagoon, the snow crunching softly beneath their feet. It's still somewhat fresh, it hasn't become tlacringit yet, it's still just slimtla. From beside her, Kyma frowns.

"What exactly am I supposed to do again?"

Astrila sighs. "I didn't explain it very well, did I?"

Kyma gives her a small smile, tinged with nerves. "No, you didn't."

"In the lagoon we are heading to, a monster got stuck there. It targets females and children, it almost got me a couple of weeks ago. It can't leave the water though, it will die. With your powers . . ."

"I can lift it out of the lagoon."


Kyma nods. "What's your role?"

"Once you have the Ludeag is out of the, I think I can coax the winds to sweep away the rest of the water form around the Ludeag."

Kyma shakes her head as she stumbles through a deep pocket of snow. Astrila reaches her arm out to help Kyma regain her footing. "Thank you. There's one problem with your plan though."


"I can't keep the Ludeag up if there is no water to control."

"Hopefully my winds can carry it once the water is gone, but we should move the Ludeag away from the lagoon before we strip the water away, just in case."

Kyma nods. "Yes, that's smart." She twists to look at Lyss, and scowls at Lyss' expression. "What?"

"I don't think this is very safe, Kyma."

Astrila tries to reassure Kyma's guard. "She should be fine as long as she doesn't get in the water or let it grab her."

Lyss just raises an eyebrow, her voice dry. "That's easier said than done."

Astrila sighs and opens her mouth, only for Kyma to speak before she can. "It has to be done, Lyss. They need to get rid of the monster, the Ludeag. If we don't, how many will suffer." Lyss doesn't look convinced. "What would you want to do if it was back home?"

Lyss' composure cracks and she sags. "I would want to get rid of it. Very well, we can try. But Kyma, if I think you're going to get hurt . . ."

"I know. You'll pull me out of the way."

Astrila smiles. "I'm not arguing about that. I'll try to keep her safe as well."

Kyma grins, bouncing on the balls of her feet, even in the snow. Bit Astrila can see it, hidden behind her eyes. Fear, worry, nervousness. All hidden away behind an excited mask. Astrila frowns and pulls her back down. She glances over at Lyss, who takes the cue and gives them space. Astrila sets her winds swirling around them to block any words from reaching Lyss before she speaks to Kyma.

"You don't have to do this. If you're not comfortable, you don't have to do this. We can find another way."

Kyma shakes her head, her musical voice soft. But despite her age, her words hold more wisdom than anyone Astrila has ever met. "No, there isn't. I protected my people from Dr. James back in the Kingdom, even though I was terrified. I'll do the same here, because while the selkies may not be my people, they deserve my help. Besides, you feel like a sister to me."

A tear slips down Astrila's cheek and quickly freezes. She brakes it off and flicks it away. Then she hugs Kyma tightly. "You may think that now, but Kyma, if you change your mind at any point, just tell me. We can turn back."

Kyma's chin tilts up into the air, set with stubbornness and resolve. "I won't."

Astrila nods and dismisses the winds. Kyma takes a crunching step towards the lagoon and Lyss falls back into place behind her. She exchanges a look with Astila behind Kyma's back, an order held in her eyes.

Protect her at all costs.

Astrila nods and Lyss looks ahead once more. The rest of their walk to the lagoon is silent aside from the crunching snow. They reach the top of the hill and Kyma peers down at the ice below. She bites her lip.

"How do I get to the water beneath the ice to control it?"

Lyss gives her a tight smile. "Ice is water, it's just a bit harder to move. But . . ."

Astrila's eyes widen. "The seal hole. There's your access. You'll have to be on the ice though."

Kyma nods and gives them a reassuring smile. "I'll be alright."
Do you think their plan to get rid of the Ludeag will work? Will something go wrong? What do you think will happen next? Tell me your thoughts!

Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!

~Goddess of Fate, signing out.

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