Chapter 65

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Astrila leads the way across the ice with Kōri, helping Kyma and Lyss when their feet slip, even with the ice stick.

She calls over to them, the wind trying it's best to whip the words away. "Don't step, shuffle! You'll slip more if you try to walk normally!"

She sees Kyma give her a sharp nod before they continue on, carefully shuffling their way over to Astrila and Kōri. When Kyma reaches Astrila, she stops, panting.

"How do you do this all the time? It's exhausting."

Astrila laughs, the bright sound swiftly carried away by the wind. "Lots and lots of practice. Come on, we're almost there. I promise."

Astrila sets off again towards the mouth of the caves, listening to the faint sounds of Kyma and Lyss shuffling across the thick ice after her. When they reach the side of the stone seal, Kyma sags against it, breathing heavily.

Astrila frowns at her. "Are you alright?"

Kyma shrugs. "No, not really. I'm . . ."

Lyss answers for her. "She's still recovering."

"From what?" Astrila shakes her head. "Wait until we get inside. Then you can tell me."

Kyma nods. Astrila leads them to the mouth, staying tucked close to the stone seal's side for protection from the wind. It's strong today, a storm must be on its way. She sighs as she steps inside the cave, letting the warmth wash over her. Kyma gapes at the cave around her.

"What . . ."

Astrila grins. "Magic. You can take your outerwear off now if you like. The caves are warm throughout."

Kyma doesn't hesitate, stripping off her blue parka and the silvery pants that seem to be made out of the same material. Beneath it she is wearing another, similar layer. Astrila can see the slight indents of several tiny buttons, presumably to change the shape of the garment. She spins in a circle, laughing giddily. The bag that was hidden beneath her parka swings around her as she spirals in place. Astrila smiles and turns to remove her own outerwear. She places her smile pile beside Kyma's and stands back, waiting for Lyss to finish with her own clothing. She places her bundle with the others then looks to Astrila, frowning.

"We can leave these here?"

Astrila nods. "Yes. No selkie will take them, and . . . if anyone else comes, the caves will protect your things."


A smile slowly spreads across Astrila's face. "The rock is the guardian of the island, it holds the spirit of the first leader of our community, my ancestor. Because of that, the caves are alive, in a sense. Watch."

She places a hand on the wall and thinks, letting her thoughts of where she wants to go spiral out to the caves. A gap in the stone opens beneath her hand, spreading outward until a tunnel is formed. Kyma gasps.

"That was amazing!"

"Yes, it is. Come, we need to go through here."

Astrila steps into the tunnel, following it the short distance to the history room. She steps to the side, allowing the others to emerge. Kyma steps through with Lyss just behind her, and gasps, the sound echoing off the walls.

"It's almost like our memory wall." Astrila looks at her quizzically and she explains. "In our kingdom, we have a cave hidden behind a waterfall. There is a smaller cave held within, and it contains our healing pool and the memory wall."

"But why is it called memory wall?"

"Because the memories are painted on the wall, but if we hold our larimar pendants to it, we can actually see the memory. Like this."

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