Chapter 33

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Whatever has its claws around her flippers continues to drag her deeper and deeper into the water. It's dragged her quite a ways farther from Kōri than she should be when her shock wears off and her magic takes over instinctually. Her body twists around wildly, trying to escape the creature's grip. All that happens are gashes along her flippers where the creature's claws have dug into her flippers, leaving deep furrows of marks that cut through her pelt and into her skin.

At last, she twists around and bites the creature. It howls and thrashes away from her, trying to break out of her grip, but she doesn't let go. Even when her teeth ache at the force she is using to bite down, she doesn't let go. She doesn't know how long she can stay like this though, her last breath of air will only last so long. It's been several minutes already, maybe ten? At last, the creature's grip on her flippers ease in its attempt to free itself and she squirms out of its grip.

The moment she is free, her magic sends her shooting straight for the surface. Astrila hears the creature's cry of rage reverberate through the water when it realizes its prey has escaped and it begins to pursue her once more. Her headstart gets her almost to the surface when the creature catches up to her, and she twists out of its way when it makes a swipe for her. She twists again, spinning away from the clawed hand that emerges from the swirling darkness. Right into the other claws it had outstretched waiting for her. Its claws dig into her side now, right beside her neck.

Its grip is strong, but she manages to wriggle out before it can fully entrap her. It swipes at her as she darts away again and she spins to avoid it. The claws catch her right in the snout, slicing her face. The claws just barely miss her eyes, and she almost stops swimming in shock and pain. She would have done so if her magic wasn't in control just then, trying to keep her alive as much as possible. Astrila finally reaches the surface and doesn't check her speed as she hauls herself out of the water and onto the ice. The creature howls again in rage, sending trembles through the ice at the sound.

Astrila's momentum sends her skidding across the ice, almost barrelling into Kōri. He had been lying unconscious on the ice, likely from the pain of the forced separation. She slides past him and digs her teeth into the ice, trying to stop her momentum. The moment she slows and stops, Astrila starts moving across the ice towards Kōri. She needs to get him away, what if the creature can break through? She nudges him urgently, and he groans. Astrila almost sags in relief at the sound. He's okay! His eyes open at last, and she can see the confusion in them.

"What happened?"

He notices the partially hidden gashes across Astrila's face and sits bolt upright, his eyes clearing with alertness. His mouth drops open, but she barks at him.

"Get off the ice!"

He doesn't argue and starts to shuffle across. Even at the shuffling speed he is going at, he is faster than Astrila, who is still in seal form. She hasn't regained control yet, not completely. Her magic is still trying to help her. He makes it onto the snow first, and Astrila is there a heartbeat later. Her magic releases her then, but she doesn't fall unconscious this time. Now that the immediate danger is over, her adrenaline starts to fade. Kōri crouches down beside her, his voice calm. But she can see the worry in his eyes, the fear that spikes whenever he sees the gashes.

His voice is full of the panic that he's trying to hide, but she can still hear it. "Astrila, are you alright?"

She huffs at him, too exhausted to speak. Even in seal form, it's too exhausting. She can feel the darkness closing in, the relief from the pain. Even if it's just for a moment. She can't hold on to wakefulness for much longer. She just needs to rest. She manages to at least ripple back into her human form before her pain hits full force, a flood instead of the trickle she was feeling before, and unconsciousness takes her.
What do you think the creature was? How badly do you think she's hurt? Tell me your thoughts!

Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!

~Goddess of Fate, signing out.

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