Chapter 27

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Astrila is still grinning, and she looks up at Kōri. "You really didn't know that he did this?"


Astrila takes one look at Kōri's slightly stunned expression and bursts into laughter. He smiles at her with a hint of confusion and she explains.

"How could you not figure it out? He didn't hide it very well."

Kōri shrugs. "I don't know. But come, let's leave him to it."

Astrila nods and follows him away from the lagoon. When they make their way over the snowbank surrounding the lagoon, Astrila can see a hint of movement across the tundra. She grabs Kōri's arm in astonishment when she realizes what it is.

"Kōri, look!"

He frowns for a moment as he searches the ice. "I don't see anyt-." He squints and cuts himself off. "Is that a wolf?"

Astrila beams, her voice awed. "It is. What do you think it's doing?"

Kōri shrugs. "Hunting, maybe."

The wolf lifts its white head to look toward them. Astrila watches as it tips its snout up to the sky and sniffs once before turning in their direction. It takes several bounding strides before it breaks into a run toward them. It slows to a walk a few meters away from them but continues its approach. As it gets closer and closer to her, Astrila feels her body become preternaturally still. Not out of fear, but out of some instinct hidden deep inside her.

The wolf moves closer and closer, its small body lithe and streamlined beneath the creamy fur. It reaches up to her midthigh in height. Slowly, more slowly than she ever thought she could have moved, Astrila crouches down to the wolf's level. Kōri places a warning hand on her shoulder, but she gives him a look of her own. She knows what she is doing, she thinks. Besides, he said that they rarely attack selkies in their human form. The wolf sniffs her cautiously, gently nosing her injured hands, before licking her face. It licks her again and again, especially on the mouth. She watches it carefully, its dark eyes gleaming intelligently. Finally, she opens her mouth and it licks the inside before giving her one last lick on the cheek. She smiles as it lopes away from them, tail swishing behind it. She stands to see Kōri looking at her with a confused expression.

"What just happened?"

"The wolf was curious about me. So it came to investigate."

"Okay, but why exactly did it lick your mouth?"

Astrila smiles softly. "It could see and smell my injuries, so it licked my mouth to see how healthy I was. Fascinating, isn't it?"

"It is, but how did you know that?"

Astrila shrugs. "When I was younger, a scientist came to my village and stayed with us for a while. She was studying the wolf, and she called it a Baffin Island Wolf. I was fascinated by her research, so she told me all about the wolves."

"Baffin island?"

Astrila has to stifle her laugh. "It's the large island my village is on."

Kōri shakes his head. "There is no way that can be an island. It's the mainland."

Astrila sighs. "If only I had the map she showed me. Then I could show you."

When they reach the village again, all the igluit have been rebuilt. Tarkik is standing outside their iglu, an ice stick held between his hands. He smiles when he sees their approach.

"Sorry it took me so long to bring this, the storm . . ."

Astrila shakes her head, smiling. "I'd rather you be safe from the storm than have the ice stick quickly. Besides, it's not like I can use it for a while."

She raises her injured hands but quickly realizes that he can't see the damage through her gloves and lowers them again, carefully tugging one glove off while not causing the other hand further harm.

Tarkik frowns. "What happened?"

"I shifted for the first time and injured myself by digging out all the igluit and rubbing myself raw."

He winces. "That must hurt."

Astrila shrugs. "It does, but it's not too bad now. I've been icing it with handfuls of snow."

"Good. Have you seen Tonraq about it?"

Astrila gives him a confirming nod. "Yes. I'm going to see him again tomorrow so he can check on it, and then I'll be trailing him around the island."

Tarkik raises an eyebrow. "Oh?"

Her smile is soft and nervous. "I'm going to be his apprentice."

Tarkik beams at her. "That's wonderful!" He looks to Kōri. "What do you think?"

Kōri laughs. "I think that she'll be the best healer in existence, and she might teach us a thing or two. According to her, we are next to a giant island, not the mainland."

Tarkik smirks at Kōri. "I knew that, and I told you years ago. You just didn't believe me and I stopped telling you after a while."

Astrila has to hold back another laugh.
What did you think of the wolf? Tarkik as well, he just makes my day every time I write about him. He's very funny.

Happy reading and I'll see you next chapter!

~Goddess of Fate, signing out

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