Chapter 1- Percy

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The silence in the room was a calm even if the students thoughts weren't.

What if I went to the library after the bell? No, he would just be more angry when I got back...

The pale boy in the front row was earnestly tapping a pencil on his desk. He wore a thick sweatshirt not all that out of place. His wrist was tucked into his sleeve as if hiding something and he winced involuntarily every time he moved. His sea green eyes weren't staring at the test in front him. He had more pressing things to think about.

Seven, fifty an hour, every day this week...that should be enough to buy dinner this weekend...right? No. Crap I'm missing my work shift, all the answers are C anyway....

Another boy with blond hair got up from the second row his, test sheet clearly labeled C. He had dark bags under his tired sky blue eyes. He placed his test in the bin on the teachers desk before grabbing his back pack and practically running towards the door.

The BMW didn't work. Maybe I could...what could I do? What if I robbed a bank? Would he notice?

The prettiest girl in the school got up from her desk she stumbled into the blond boy, they barely looked at each other. The girl averted her multi colored, gorgeous eyes, placed her test in the bin and walked back to her seat. By the time she turned around the blond boy was gone.

What does it matter? I'm not going to be here in a week anyway. Canada this time...easy.

The short small kid in the middle row continued his Dragon drawing on the test. He hadn't bothered doing the calculations. His curly hair bounced with his knees, reacting to satisfy his ADHD.

When did we even learn this? I've been too busy with my clothes to pay attention....I hate math.

The girl up front stared at the numbers. She ran her fingers through her thick curly hair. She wore a nice sundress with a dash of make up. She constantly tugged at her collar as if she was incredibly uncomfortable.

Where am I going to get my next bottle?

The girl in the back of class. Wasn't even trying. She kicked her legs up on the desk tilting her head back her eyes half way closed. Her dark hair with blue highlights stood out in the classroom.

I didn't do it. I swear I didn't do it...

The palest boy in the class sat next to her, he scrawled the answer. His hand shook and he pressed down way too hard on the paper. The pencil tip snapped in his fingers.

I have to get all of these right. Maybe then she'll stop calling me a freak...

In the farthest corner, closest to the window the gray eyed, blonde was focusing so hard she had a head ache. She would circle answers and then erase it again, circle again, then erase again. Finally she sighed and put her head on the desk.

She wouldn't want me to fail this quiz. But what if I do? I miss her so much...I'm a disgrace to her memory.

A thickly built boy sat behind her, but try as he might he couldn't answer the questions. One word after another, all numbers looked exactly like the others. He had to wipe away the tears before anyone saw.

All at once the bell rang. All of the students surged up.

"Unfinished tests go on the front desk please!" The teacher called. A pile papers flooded onto the desk. Students filed out the door with excitement of the school day finally being over. Percy Jackson placed his test on the pile last. He walked out the door last.

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