34 | Setting it Straight

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I never thought Catherine could be as stubborn as she is right now. After she finally agreed to have a relationship with me, she asked to go back to work. But I was adamant that she needs to rest more. And I managed to keep her from working for another two days.

During those days, I never left her side. I stayed with her day and night. I brought my work with me so I can still work while taking care of her. And at the same time, if needed I can still ask for her help whenever I need it and that is only if I have questions about the company or our partner that she knows and I don't.

I refuse to let her move around the house. Not even letting her cook. I did all of the cooking. I asked a friend of mine from overseas for some of his keto-friendly recipes and I managed to get a whole month's menu from him.

Aenid and Faye visit her everyday after school and spend an hour just talking with Catherine.

Catherine even started tutoring them thinking that they should just rest when they got home.

My girls didn't mind that I was not going home with them and instead was staying with Catherine. They want to stay but Catherine only has one bedroom and her bed could only fit the two of us. I still can't believe that after dreaming of her for years, I am finally now with her sleeping on the same bed. I cannot wait for us to live under one roof and call her my wife.

Seeing that Aenid and Faye cannot insist on having a sleepover at Catherine's apartment, they came up with the idea of taking Catherine to our house instead. I sure as hell love that idea but I will take things slow, one at a time. I do not want to scare Catherine just like I did when I told her that I want her to be my girlfriend.

Soon, one day. I will ask Catherine to marry me and then we'll live on the same roof with my daughters.

To say that I am extremely happy that my girls are very accepting of my relationship with Catherine is an understatement. Their opinion is very important to me and seeing that they love Catherine as much as I do makes me feel content.

And it was obvious that Catherine loves my girls as well. She might even love them more than she did to me. Though she hasn't told me that she loves me. I am hoping that I did not misinterpret the look she is giving me.

As of now, I really could not ask for more.

Only that she listens to me this time.

"You are fretting unnecessarily," She said as she walked out of the bedroom wearing a black pencil skirt and a blouse. She is holding the shoes that I gave to her in her two fingers.

After I changed into my business suit because I have to go back to the company to meet a partner for a couple of hours, I found her getting ready for work as well.

I stood up from sitting on the arm of the sofa and walked towards her. I cupped her cheeks as I made her look at me. "I just want you to rest more," I tried to convince her one last time.

"Nate, I've had flare-ups before and I was hospitalized for only three days. The next day I am good and back to work. You already kept me here for a week. I think I am more than good enough to go back to work." She said never averting her eyes from me. And I am sure that she will win this argument.

I sighed and leaned to kiss her lips. After our first kiss, I cannot get enough of her. I love kissing her and I kiss her every chance I get. "Alright," I said, taking her shoes from her. "But we will go back to my conditions, okay? And whenever you get a tiny bit of pain or fatigue, you tell it to me immediately." I said with finality.

"Okay," she nodded her head then smiled. I swear I fall in love with her over and over again whenever she smiles. I leaned and claimed her lips again. I told you, I love kissing her.

I put on her shoes then took her hand on mine before we left her apartment.

When we arrive at the company, I never take my hands off of her. In fact, I kept her close to me. She glared at me at first but I ignored it. When the guard saw us, his eyes immediately landed on our hands. Catherine tried to pull it away but I just tightened my hand on her.

I mean it when I said that I will make it right. I will show them that Catherine is not a mistress that I am keeping. She is my woman.

I already told Grace to subtly spread the word that my previous wife died while giving birth to my youngest daughter. So that people will stop thinking that Catherine is my mistress and instead, they will think of her as my woman.

When we came to our floor I immediately heard a familiar voice ardently talking to my employees. When Catherine and I came around with our hands still intertwined they eventually spotted us.

My Mom and Dad grinned at me and when they saw mine and Catherine's hands their grin turned wider.

"I see my boy finally made his move," My Dad said with pride. His words confused me. What is he talking about? And as soon as we came to them he immediately hugged me. My mother did the same to Catherine and that was the only time that I released her hand.

"I am glad that you accept him. I knew you two would end up together. I will make sure that Nate will take good care of you," I heard my Mom say after she releases Catherine.

Catherine looks at my Mom and Dad, then to my employees who are watching the interaction, and then to me. Her face is filled with confusion.

"How have you been, Catherine? Did my son make you overworked? That is why you caught the bad flu?" My Dad asked. How did he know Catherine was sick and I am sure that he knows that Catherine did not get just a simple flu. I told them about Catherine's condition.

I saw Catherine nodding her head awkwardly. "He's been taking good care of me." She said timidly, aware of the ears around us.

With her and my parent's words and us coming together with hands intertwined, I am sure people will already think that she is not just a mistress.

My parents obviously know about our relationship and I wonder how they found out.

"Mom, Dad, why are you here?" I asked as I pulled Catherine back close to me making sure the people around us saw how possessive I am towards her.

"Well, we heard that Catherine got the bad flu and you have been taking care of her. We just drop by here to make sure everything is fine. We didn't think that the two of you would be back today." My mom explained and I could see in the corner of my eyes that Catherine is getting uncomfortable.

"She's all good now and thinks that she can go back to work," I said, wrapping my arms around her. "Let's go to my office," I said as I pulled Catherine with me. That was enough for everyone to see that Catherine is not a mistress.

If my employees are smart enough, they would put two and two together and realize that I do not have a wife anymore seeing that my parents are very accepting of my relationship with Catherine. And the fact that I am showing my affections towards her in the public should be enough to erase all the rumors.

And hopefully, Grace did what I asked her to do. If that is the case, words that I do not have a wife anymore should have already spread.

A/N: Photo credits to the owner

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