26 | Fallen Conditions

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I'm pissed right now and the appearance of Daisy in front of me when I already told her that she is not allowed inside my office and whatever her business with me should pass on to Catherine before it proceeds to me made it worse.

I don't know if she doesn't know how to understand simple instructions or she is just deliberately ignoring them. Not to mention how the girl tries to get my attention and flirting with me. I would always glare at her in return or ignore her but obviously, the girl doesn't get the message.

As much as possible, I don't want Catherine to see someone giving me that kind of attention. And I don't want to waste my time and attention on insignificant people like her. I know where I should put my full attention is, to the company, my daughters, and now to Catherine.

If Daisy is not helpful to Catherine I would have fired her long ago. But Catherine needed someone to help lessen her workload. The last thing I need is to see her in the hospital bed again and in pain. If I could take that pain away from her I would have done it the moment I found her curled on the floor of her office.

God knows that I would do anything to take that pain away from her. I would rather it be me than her.

As I flipped the papers on my desk, my thoughts drifted back to our conversation earlier. Everything was fine these past few weeks, so I wonder where did she suddenly get that idea of commuting when I already made it clear that I will never allow her to commute again.

I will treat her better and I will take care of her, look after her, make sure that she is not in pain, that she is comfortable and she is eating well. And I mean all of it. Then why is she suddenly refusing to let me do those things? Was there something her best friend, Grace, told her to change her mind and even threaten to resign?

No, I will not let that happen. I need her here near me, beside me where I could always see her. And I want her to need me as well even though she seems to be acting as if she doesn't need anyone in her life. I will change that.

Though I seemed to be denying it, hell yes, I am giving her special treatment the way she deserves it. She deserves everything in the world and I am giving it all to her.

These past few days I got closer to her. I pick her up in the morning and learn a few things about her. I found out that her mother died of depression a couple of years ago and that she only has her Aunt Molly who lives on the outskirts.

I also learned that she only has one bag, the one that she uses everyday not because she cannot afford a few new bags, but because she doesn't have the habit of changing bags every day. And her reason is one of the most practical I've ever heard. And I found it amusing.

I fell in love with her deeper every day. Especially every time I see her walk inside my daughter's school holding both their hands and kiss them on their cheeks goodbye. It was a sight that I want to keep forever. She said that it was a way to relieve Faye of her school anxiety. But whatever the reason is, I definitely tolerate it.

Every day, she would spend a couple of minutes with my daughters just listening to them. It was something that I didn't realize my daughters needed. Someone they could talk to and someone who would listen to them. And Catherine gave it to them without any condition.

Damn! I need her in my daughter's life.

I need her in my life.

And I hoped that she would want to need me in her life. Not just because she needs me, but because she loves me.

The thought of her in love with me makes my heart flutter inside its cage. It's a feeling that I cannot describe. Something I've felt towards my late wife, and maybe much more.

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