20 | Resignation

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Alvin told me that it was my boss who brought me to the hospital when I had a flare a couple of nights ago. And he also told me that he had to tell him about my condition. At first, I was mad at him for divulging my medical condition to my boss but he was right when he said that it is my employer's right to know about it. And I was wrong to keep it from my boss or anyone in the company. But I just did that to keep my job.

And now I don't think that I could keep it. Since my boss already found out about my illness, he would think that I am not capable of performing my job. Especially that he is the one who witnessed my flare.

I sighed as I stared at my resignation letter that's in my hand. Sitting here on my bed still contemplating what to do. I glanced at the clock on my bedside table. I still got an hour before office hours.

Yesterday I was discharged from the hospital and Alvin insists that I take the day off. Grace too agreed and helped me to file a day off which I was sure will be approved because I will no longer have the job anyway.

But instead of waiting for my boss to fire me, I will pass my resignation. I think it would be better to resign than to get fired for the sake of my reputation.

Right! I should resign now before he could fire me. Then I thought about Aenid and Faye. What will happen to them once I resign? Especially Faye who is still having school anxiety.

Oh, God! Why am I even concerning myself with them? But I will miss them. I just hope that my boss will find a nanny that will treat them better than I do.

Okay! I have to do this. Then start looking for another job. I cheered myself internally. Then I stood up to take a shower and prepared to go to my office, which will be my former office.

After almost an hour, I reached my office and I almost freaked out when I found out from the guard that my boss was already in. He is even an hour earlier than me.

I put down my satchel bag on the table and took out my resignation letter.

I took in another deep breath before I started to walk towards my boss's office. I raised my hand to knock on the door. God! I can't believe I'm losing my job now that I worked so hard for almost eight years. I feel like crying now but I hold in my tears. I'll save that for later. Maybe when I am back in my apartment after I packed all my things from my office.

I knocked on my boss's office and heard his crisp voice.

"Come in," I heard him say and I swear the first thing that comes to my mind is how I'm going to miss that voice. Yes, he's been a jerk around me but I don't know why he has that kind of effect on me even though he made me pissed at him most of the time. Yes, I am romantically attracted to him but I know that we are impossible.

I opened the door and I saw him head down on his desk. Why do I find him especially mesmerizing whenever he is seriously working on his desk? I stared at him for a moment before I shook my head and reminded myself why am I here.

"Mr. Vann?" I called out for his attention and he eventually raised his head when he heard me. I could see his surprised reaction before it was replaced with worry.

Wait. What?


Why would he be worried about me? Maybe I just mistook his reaction as worry. Then he started to speak.


And I was frozen in my place. Why not? That is the first time that he called me by my first name. And I even wonder, had he ever addressed me with my name? And I swear I love how my name rolled out of his tongue. I was hoping to hear more of my name from him but unfortunately, this could be the first and last.

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