Chapter 13: Under the same sky

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Mochi: What? *wake up*

Jenny: *yawn*

Rachel: Oh~ my head

Me: 😔

Yukimi: What happen Nina?

Me: It's just a dream, that dream has come to me again...

Jenny: Still that strange dream?

Me: Yeah... guys I don't think the dream is fake, Hannah must be in trouble

Rachel: Who is Hannah?

Me: She's my native friend, she from Australia and she just the same age as Mochi...

Mochi: Oh cool, I got a friend :|

Jenny: Do you know where does she lives?

Me: I don't remember very well because I've lost all the letters from her.

Yukimi: Do you remember the name of the town she lives or the school-

Me: I remember her school named start with letter A, she said she move to the town named something with the word Queen.

Mochi: Ok, let me find it *search on laptop*

Rachel: Mochi, there are no WiFi here, how can you search it?

Mochi: Oof, I think I'll do it later

Suddenly, something is swimming toward to our boat, we see a fin... of a fish...

Jenny: Uhhhhhhhh guys what is that?

Everybody: *look at the fin get toward to us*

Mochi: GUYS IT-

Shark: *jump out*


Yukimi: *throw knife into the shark*

Rachel: Yukimi, why did you do that?!

Yukimi: It hurt Jenny

Shark: *bite the bottom of the boat*

Mochi: AAAAAAAHHHH *use the paddle and hitting the shark*

Me: Guys, hold tide I will-

Mochi: YAAAAAAHHHHH *keep hitting the shark*

Shark: *bite off the paddle*

Mochi: Oof ._.

Me: *accelerate the boat*

Everybody: *hold tide*

Shark: *left behind*

Jenny: Phew, that was closed 😥

Mochi: Ya, but the shark bite off the paddle, how can I sail now?

Me: Don't worry, I have another paddle

Rachel: Guys, I'm hungry T_T

Jenny: My sister brought us some Sushi, want some?

Rachel: Yeah

Yukimi: Nina, what did Hannah said in your dream?

Me: She said she got trapped in nowhere I don't know

Jenny: Then how can we find her?!

Me: I ask her where but the only sentence she reply is "Under the same sky"

Rachel: Under the same sky?!

Mochi: This is weird... we don't even know what does she mean, why she said it is under the same sky?

Me: I think it would be somewhere that me and her has come there

Yukimi: But Nina, you've never gone to Australia

Me: That the point, I never go to Australia, how can I find her?

Mochi: Maybe under the same sky mean is a place you know

Me: But I haven't go to Australia-

Mochi: Didn't go to Australia doesn't mean you can't find her, finding a place that you know is the key to save her.

Jenny: So let go there as fast as we could *accelerate the boat*

We go as fast as we could and hopping that we're not late, after an hours traveling on the boat, we finally get there, Australia...

Yukimi: *jump out of the boat* So here we are... Australia...

Jenny: I hope that we get in a right place

Mochi: Guys, the first thing we need to do is find her house or her school *start typing the laptop*

Me: Wait, let me take everything out of the boat, we'll left the boat here because we'll not use it anymore.

Jenny: Okie

Rachel: *take everything out*

Me: Now let's go *open the magic door*

We go through the magic door and we find ourselves in a place...

Rachel: Uhhhhh where are we?

Mochi: *check the laptop* Guys, I think this is Canberra – Queanbeyan

Jenny: Oh, is this where she live, Nina?

Me: Maybe... Let me check *using the technology*

The technology: Tick!

Me: I found it!

The crazy adventure of mineTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon