Chapter 33: The first greet, the last goodbye

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I get inside and I found my group in there...

Me: Guys, you're here!

Rachel: :Yay! We safe!

Hannah: Omg I thought I was dead for a moment!

Jenny: No we won't

Me: Yes, my friends have came

Jenny: Are we still in your imagination world?

Me: Ye, but I guess let's start to get back

We get out of the room and the ground start to shake...

Rachel: Ummm, what's going on???

Suddenly, Stacey runs to us and said...

Stacey: Hurry up! Let's get out of here, this place is collapsing and the portal almost close!

Jenna: You guys heard her, let's go!

We follow Stacey to the outside where I saw Mafia L already got tied up...

Me: what do we do to him?

Linnie: Leave him here, we have no idea what to do now.

Lisa: then let just go

Hannah: bye bye, you foolish human

All of us run as fast as we could to the portal, we have get there on time, it leads us to my imagination world where we see Nin is waiting for us.

Nin: Glad that you're all safe

Stacey: yes, how was the world?

Nin: good now!

Jenna: It's great to see you guys but maybe it's time for us to say goodbye, right?

Mochi: aww, we just have the first greet!

Linnie: then let's make it as the last goodbye

Me: don't worry guys, when my drawing skill improve I will draw my friends out on paper, then you guys can see them clearly.

Hannah: Sure, you promise?

Me: Uh yeah! I will try!

Rachel: where's our car by the way, Nin?

Nin: oh, your car is here

She leads us to the old place, where she uses her paintbrush and erase the "invisible color" from the car, it's still safe.

Me: thanks for keeping our car safe

Nin: your welcome

Jenny: come on, let's go!

The five of us jump on the car, we get our seatbelts on and check all the stuff. They're all here, safe and sound!

Me: I guess the adventure is about to end here!

Stacey: yup! I'll see you guys in your dream.

Lisa: Take care!

Hannah: we will! Thank you very much!

Nin makes a portal which lead us back to our real world, I make the car drive us to there as the friends wave goodbye to us. Adventure all start with something really fun, but the beginning will always have an end. Time to go back to the reality, the light from the portal shine, which make us have to close our eyes.

???: Sis, wake up!

Me: WHAT?!

I found myself on my bed, literally in my own bedroom. So the whole adventure I have with my friends is just a dream?

My sister: wake up! Do you know what time is it?

Me: what time?

My sister: 10:20 am

Me: what day is it today?

My sister: Saturday noob! I'm starving waiting for you, please go and buy me some breakfast!

Me: ok dude shut up!

I get up and my Ipad give out a sound from a message, I check it and the message was from Rachel.

"Did you have a weird dream last night?" -she said.

I leave it there for a little bit, then I go get my jacket, my mask with some money and go down to buy some chicken as breakfast for me and my sister. When I get back, I quickly take the Ipad and reply to her.

The whole conversation was about the adventure we have but it's actually a dream in the end. Even though it wasn't real but at least I can finally have something to enjoy in my dream during the disease time.

I even go and chat with Jenny, Hannah and Mochi. All of us confirmed that everything we went through in the adventure definitely was a dream and it was fun!

I wonder why the dream take us so long though but from now on I should try my best to improve my draw. Then I'll have a chance to show people my imagine friends not doing them on Gacha club!

I guess the adventure wasn't that bad though.

The end

Hi guys, I guess this is the last chapter now, so basically everything from the story are all fiction including the ending. I apologize for taking this so long because Wattpad doesn't work really well and sometimes I have more important things to do rather than writing. But this is the end now, I hope you guys enjoyed the whole story. I know it's bad and there are some grammar mistakes but at least that what I have done for 2 years and I'm proud of it!

I'm starting to write the other story now, you can check it in my profile, its name is "My life in the unique school".

Hope you guys have a good day/afternoon/night!

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