Chapter 22: Devil can be good

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Yukimi: Hey Nina!

Me: What?

Yukimi: What do you describe me as? Devil or Angel?

Me: Uhhhhhhhh.... Devil

Yukimi: huh? Why?

Me: Your outside is Devil but your inside is Angel

Yukimi: What do you mean?

Me: All I mean is, not all Angels are good, not all Devils are bad

Yukimi: But I don't understand

Me: The only person who understands is a person with kindness

Ink: But Yukimi's soul is green, it expression of kindness

Me: That's not the point, what I mean is-

Rachel: Hey guys, let's go to Paris!!!!!

Mochi: Yeah, we just planned everything we could do in Paris

Jenny: I want to try some delicious cakes

Me: Ok then let's go

Then we pack up our stuff and Yukimi open a portal, we get inside but before we go, we wave goodbye to Sans and we disappear into another place...

Rachel: Woah, what is this place?

Mochi: Paris!!!!!!!!!

Jenny: Yay!!!!!!

Me: Let's find a place to stay, any of you still got money?

Rachel: I got a little

Jenny: Me too 

Mochi: Still got

Yukimi: Here, I bring lots of money

Me: Ok good, let's find a hotel

We walk through a bridge, pass a garden, jump over the big rock and we find a hotel...

Mochi: Wow, this hotel is so big

Jenny: and cool

Rachel: Let's go inside

We ran inside the hotel, it's so beautiful there, most of the colors are white, yellow, light pink. There is also a red carpet on the floor, we find the reception and get a room with three beds. We use the elevator to go up...

(While in the elevator)

Me: Hey guys, do you remember the Elevator game or the Horror Elevator?

Mochi: They're all creepy stories? *scared*

Yukimi: Yeah, we listen to it since Lunar New Year

Jenny: Bruh, what a great New Year

Rachel: Please don't repeat that, I don't want to see us stop right on the 5th floor

Yukimi: Don't worry Rachel, the Elevator game only appear when you go alone

Me: But if we go together, we die together :)))

Mochi: Noooo, I still want to live

Me: I'm just kidding, don't freak out Mochi

Then the elevator stop right at our floor...

Rachel: I thought that we stop at the 5th floor

Jenny: Please don't repeat that again

Yukimi: Ok, let's see, anyone see number 68 (our room number)?

Me: Let me find it

Mochi: No need, it's here *point right at the front*

Me: Great job finding it, Mochi

Mochi: Haha, thanks

Yukimi: *unlock and kick the door*

Rachel: Yukimi! Don't be so violent, you could break it!

Yukimi: That's what I'm gonna do

Jenny: Woah, look at the room, so big

Me: Three beds!!!!!! *jump on one bed*

Mochi: I'm taking this *jump on the another bed*

Yukimi: Dudeeee, look at the bathroom *open the bathroom door*

Rachel: And the balcony *look outside*

Jenny: Can we watch TV?

Rachel: Yeah we can but it only shows French programmes

Me: Let's prepare and go down

We change our stuff and put it in the closet carefully, not really careful because Yukimi "yeet" all of it into the closet. Then we went down to have something to eat because we haven't got any breakfast yet, we went to the hotel restaurant...

Me: Rachel, look! So many cakes *point at the cakes*

Rachel: Yup, France famous for it delicious cakes

Mochi: Can we have some for dessert?

Yukimi: Sure, we can

Jenny: Now let's have something to eat, let's find a table

Me: There *point at the empty table far away* I think we could sit there

Rachel: Good idea, such a beautiful side

We sit on the table and order for our foods...

Me: Hey Rachel, what are we going to eat?

Rachel: I don't know, you guys just choose what you want

Mochi: I don't know if I could eat any of them

Jenny: Just try, they're all yummy

Yukimi: Yeah, if you don't finish, I'll make you eat the whole of it

Me: Uhhh, sure...

Yukimi: I'll eat.... foie gras!

Me and the rest: Ewwwwwwww

Yukimi: I'm just kidding, it's really expensive

Me: You know, the people who protect animals want to ban that kind of food

Mochi: Yeahm I think I heard about it

Me: Well, I choose... croque monsieur!

Jenny: Is that a sandwich?

Me: Yeah, maybe

Jenny: Then I'll take it too

Mochi: I think I'm gonna eat soup bisque 

Rachel: I'll choose terrine

Yukimi: I'll eat with you, Rachel

After finished our order, we wait for it like 5-10 minutes and then the foods finally done...

Jenny: Great, nice sandwich

Me: Have a good meal, everyone

After done eating...

Mochi: Now let's buy some cakes *rush out the chair*

Me: Mochi wait for me

Jenny: I'm in too

Me and my friends: *look at the cakes*

Rachel: Great, you guys choose, I'll told them

Me: Ok, I choose Mille-feuille

Mochi: Me too

Jenny: I choose Crème brûlée

Yukimi: Me pancake

Rachel: Ok then I choose Café liégeois

Then the dessert finally served...

Mochi: Yummy

Me: Absolutely love it!!!!

Yukimi: Me toooooo

Jenny: Yeahhhhhhhhhh

Rachel: Great thing to eat

Me: Now let's get back to our room and prepare for our next adventure

All of us ran up to our room, what a great time is it...

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