Chapter 32: I got my team

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Mafia L: well well well, looks who finally show up

Me: I'm not going to let you win this fight

Mafia L: Amazing, get her!

Those creepy hands get to me, I ran away from them but this time I'm not going to hide. Instead, I do like what the character do in the movie, I ran up and down, right and left until the hands all get tight together.
"Easy win!" I thought.

Mafia L: that was interesting, how about you and me have a battle?

Me: huh?

That tall man appear down, standing right in front of me...

Mafia L: I see, you're pretty strong so why don't we just have a battle together?

Me: I-

Suddenly, I remember the whistle in my hand so I take to blow it up. Unluckily, he noticed and he takes it before it could reach my mouth.

Mafia L: what's this?

Me: give it back!

He's so tall! He hand up the whistle as high as he can and my jump was so useless, I can't reach to it no matter how hard I try.

Mafia L: what's wrong? Can't reach to it?

He laughs, that makes me so angry. I feel like my blood is boiling so I kick his legs as hard as I can, I can't believe that my kick is so hard because he bend down in pain. That's why you shouldn't mess with someone when they angry, especially a girl.
The whistle fall out of his hand, I catched it as fast as I can before something would happen. Unfortunately, Mafia L grabs my leg and makes me fall.

Mafia L: no, you're not going to get it!

I kicked back at him in the face and quickly run to grab the whistle. As when I just get the whistle in hand, I feel like something not right. I turned around, Mafia L has disappeared and a hand grabs my neck around. I only have a small breath but not going to die yet. I prayed before something bad would happen next to me and I'm so scared.

Mafia L: now what will you do when you can't blow the whistle now, huh?

People keep calling me smart but I don't know if that's true, I guess I'll just try this skill.

Me: *bite his hand*


He screamed in pain, I didn't know the bite would hurt him or it because he's too weak. I got the chance, I blow the whistle up as strong as I can. The whistle make a loud sound that it give me a feeling that it blow through the universe. But why everything is so quiet after I blow it, I try to blow it again but being kicked. Mafia L kick me over and kick the whistle far away from me. Now I'm definitely in real danger...

Mafia L: that is enough, time for you to go with your friends

Me: what did you do to them?!

Mafia L: Oh nothing, they're still safe, but not so long when you join with them.

Me: No! Let them go! I'm sick of you messing around!

Mafia L: why? It's true that I'm having fun to messed up the whole thing so why I have to stop?

???: that's my best friend you're messing with

That's a similar voice, I try to get my head turn around and I was so surprised. I'm not sure if I'm dreaming or not but they're all here...

 I'm not sure if I'm dreaming or not but they're all here

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So they did heard the whistle...

Me: Linnie!

Linnie: first it's us and now it's her, guess that you will not have a second chance to get peace.

Stacey: this is for kidnap me and Linnie!

She said in an angry voice as she blows up a fire ball from her hand toward to Mafia L.

Stacey: and this is for destroy our world!

Another fire ball blow up to him, that's make me finally flee. I run to somewhere that I think I could find my friends. Someone follow me...

???: need a hand?

I looked back, I saw Jenna, she still looking fine with the brown glasses and her black earrings, her purple eyes are pretty shine but not much like Lisa, who has bright-green hypnotized eyes.

Me: yes, do you know where they are?

Jenna: of course not but I can help you with it

Me: Yes, thanks!

Jenna: your welcome

We follow to a strange dark brown path that lead to a bunch of doors, they looks like one of my nightmare...

Jenna: I know this is hard but let's try, ok?

Me: sure!

We walk to the last door because Jenna said that last door will always be the result. We walk to it and I saw a puzzle on it. Oh how much I hate solving puzzle!

Me: Math? Again?!

Jenna: Deal with it, you have to solve it or your friends will not be saved.

Me: can you help me?

Jenna: of course but I actually follow Science path more than Math.

Me: Science does have Math!

Jenna: but not much! If you need someone who solve genius Math then the only person we know is Lisa!

Lisa: did somebody just call me?

We turned around just to see Linnie and Lisa standing there...

Me: how did you found us?

Linnie: you forgot that I can "sense" things easily?

Me: Ah yes, I forgot!

Lisa: so what's the matter?

Jenna: Math problem

Lisa: Oh I can help you, let me see

We look up at the Math puzzle, it write...
1 + 4 = 5
2 + 5 = 12
3 + 6 = 21
8 + 11 = ?

Lisa: woah, this pretty complicated

Jenna: I know right

Me: Lisa, do you know how to solve this?

Lisa: yes, give me a minute

Jenna: do we have to go check on the other?

Linnie: don't worry, they're fine, if I can't trust Stacey to do thing properly then Anne can handle things.

Speaking of Anne, she's also one of my imagination friend, she really funny and strong. When she enter a fight, she usually bring a shield to go with her. That's one of the last shield she kept from her father, you can find her wearing a white hat on her head.

Lisa: Alright, I got the answer!

Me: what?! Why so fast?

Jenna: Girl I just literally start to solve the second one and you got the answer!

Lisa: Math is easy, you just need to remember the formula.

Linnie: so what's the answer?

Lisa: 96

Jenna and me: why?

Lisa: because I use the formula a + b = 5 and 5 + c + d = 12

Jenna: so you take the first answer, is 5, add with 2 and 5 and you got 12

Lisa: yup!

Me: then you take 12 to add 3 and 6?

Lisa: Yes!

Linnie: and you use the formula to add thing up until you get the last answer

Lisa: exactly, you got my idea!

*The door slowly open*

Me: Oh my gosh it work!

Jenna: Hooray!

Lisa: hehe!

Me: thank you Lisa!

Lisa: your welcome, Nina.

Linnie: now go get your friends.

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