Chapter 30: The other side of the world

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Yukimi: You again?!

Rachel: but h-how?! I thought you-

Mafia L: you know, it's pretty easy to try the other way when you use your friends' magic and your.... imagination.

Me: this is still not truly an end, you can still be defeated!

Mafia L: Oh really? Then try then

Yukimi: *attack* I'm going to end yo-

Mafia L: *use the other big magic to bounce her back

Yukimi: *fall back* Ah! How could-

Me: Guys, be careful! He using magic!

Jenny: what should we do?

Mafia L: hahahaha! You kids cannot defeat me, it's better for you to surrounding now

Nin: Oh are you sure about that?

Mafia L: wait wha-

Nin appear somewhere suddenly and attack him on the up by kick him in the face. Make him laid back hurtfully.

Mafia L: what is this?! Who are you?!

Nin: If you really wondering that, how about you get to know more by meeting my friend?

Then she summons her big paintbrush which I think that she uses it to paint, so this is why I keep hearing her during drawing. Nin took her paintbrush and draw a cannon, it blow up a big firework hitting the Mafia L which make him fly far away from us.

Nin: He's going to comeback, quick! Get to the car and ran to the safe place!

None of us said anything except listen to what she said, we hurry get back to the car, get in it and drive to somewhere far more away. Even though everything is still dark, I hope Nin know where to get us go.

Me: Nin, where are going?

Nin: to your friends

Jenny: What? I thought we're her friends

Nin: Well, there's thing you need to know about but you will get more when we get there

I feel strange, does that mean we will have to visit my imagination world? Even though I'm a grown up teen now I'm still stuck in my imagination world sometimes and I have a bunch of friends at there, what will my friend think when they saw them?

Nin: ok stop

I stopped the car and Nin jump out of the car, taking her paintbrush and point up. It confused us at the way she's doing but then I realized that she try to draw a door. When she done, the art suddenly become real and the door open for us to somewhere that look really bright and full white. Nin jump back on the car...

Nin: ok go!

Me: to there?

Nin: of course, where else do you think we should go?

So I drive the car through the door and we appear to somewhere that look really familiar to me.

Me: wait- hold up!

Mochi: woah! What is this place?

Jenny: it look so beautiful

Yukimi: Nin, what is this place and why you bring us here?

Nin: I rather let Nina explain it more

Me: but Nin, I'm still confused

Nin: ok fine then I'll tell you guys, welcome to Ni's world

Rachel: Ni's world?

Jenny: wait, why does the name sound a bit close to Nin or Nina?

Everyone suddenly turn to me, this time I realized where are we really. We're in my imagination world!

Me: wait! This is my imagination world, Ni is my nickname because it's the short version of Nina!

Nin: glad you finally awake

Me: is this even a dream?!

Rachel: I don't think so

Yukimi: great, we're in a world now, what should we do?

Mochi: can we imagine anything?

Nin: I'm afraid that would be no since this is Nina's world so all your imagination is being locked

Jenny: that mean we can't imagine anything?

Nin: exactly

Suddenly, I remember some of my friends are live in here and they are super strong according to the ability I give them so it would be a great idea if I bring us to meet them.

Nin: you know what you have to do now?

Me: eh? How could you know?

Nin: don't be silly, you and I are one

Me: Oh, I forgot about that but okay, let's go

Yukimi: to where?

Me: you guys are going to meet my imagination friends, I'm sure they can help us to figure out a way

Rachel: lead us to them then

Me: sure

Nin: but first, you guys are not allow to bring your car and your stuff so I have to cover it

Then Nin took out the paintbrush and paint on the car something very magical, I realized she is painting the car invisible.

Yukimi: why do we have to do that?

Nin: to remain safety for both real life world and imagination world

Yukimi: ok, I get it

Jenny: do you know where your friends are?

Me: I know but I hope it not far away

Nin: it's fine, I can help you guys

Nin' s paintbrush actually can draw anything she like and mostly those arts could become real. This time, she draw a white teleport portal and all of us get in there. The next thing we see is a familiar hill...

Me: hold on! I know this place

Jenny: what is it?

Me: my two friends like to walk up on here because mostly there are shooting stars at night and sunshine in the daytime

Nin: great, two is enough though

Mochi: we can't meet more?

Nin: I'm afraid we can't because that could be Nina's privacy

I don't know what should I say about this, it pretty complicated and it's true that some of them is privacy. But what will happen next when they meet my friends? Is this really true? What kind of adventure attack is this?
It doesn't took very long to walk but the hill is kind of a bit slope which make our legs tired. When we get to the up, I saw two familiar humans and their backs are turned to us, they stand petty far away but I quickly recognized them. It was them, they're my friends! I quickly ran up to them without waiting for the other because I've never thought of thks day.

Me: Linnie! Stacey!

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