Chapter 5: Mochi and Mount Fuji

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I use the teleport door and teleport us to Japan, we appear under Mount Fuji...

Me: We're here, under the Mount Fuji.

Jenny: Oh my gosh this country is so beautiful, I love Japan, I love sushi, I love Mount Fuji, I love sashimi,...

Mochi: Oh Same!

Yukimi: lol me too

Rachel: So we will camping at Mount Fuji?

Me: Ya after we climb on the top of the Mount Fuji *pointing on the top*

Everybody: *look up the top*



Me: Calm down calm down Rachel, I know you got ashma so that why I bring this.

Then I pull out something very small in my bag, when I just bring it out it suddenly turn big and everybody can see what is it, it's a technology flying plane which is black and some bright green colour. 

Me: This use when you're tired, but it only for Rachel. Now you guys have to walk, you guys need to exercise because we have stay at home for a long time.

Yukimi: *run up*

Jenny and Mochi: *run behind Yukimi*

Me and Rachel: *follow behind*

After we walking for a hours, we sit down and have some rest. 5 minutes later, we stand up and start walking, this time me and Yukimi go first, Jenny second, Mochi and Rachel follow behind.

Mochi: Rachel, so when you're young you live in UK, right?

Rachel: Yup, my dad is Britain and my mom is Vietnamese.

Mochi: Wow, your family is great!

Rachel: No not like you think, I'm an accident of my family.

Mochi: what accident? 🙁

Rachel: My mom and dad aren't get married, it just because my dad get drunk so much... and I was born. First, my mom and dad decide they will keep me and live as a family but when I'm three, they break up.

Mochi: Oh, your story are so sad.

Rachel: I know, but I still got contact with dad, my mom is very cool and she love me very much. I was so thankful that I'm still got my own happiness even it a little weird.

Mochi: *run up to Nina* hey Nina can you take me a photo when we come up to the top?

Me: Ok ^_^

Mochi: Thanks, I will named that photo is Mochi and Mount Fuji ^-^

Yukimi: What a pretty name 🙂

Me: Hey guys, what do you want to do after this camp?

Jenny: Do you guys want to stay at my sister house?

Yukimi: I thought you only got brother

Jenny: Actually she my sister, same dad but grandfather is different. Her name is Yuki!

Mochi: Yuki mean snow :>

Jenny: That's right. She has her own mansion. I'm sure when we get on the top, I will show you her mansion if we can.

Rachel: what on Earth did she get the mansion?

Jenny: Oh she's very rich.

Mochi: I wonder if I could see some fireflies when it is dark.

Yukimi: I'm sure we will see.

Rachel: Nina, can I have that plane please? I'm start getting extremely tired.

Me: Ok 

We walking and walking. Jenny, Mochi and Yukimi seems not very tired, maybe they still excited. When we come up on the top of the mountain, we cheered, but something makes us more surprise than getting on the top...

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