Chapter 12: Run

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Yuki: Jenny, tomorrow I have to comeback to school 🙁

Jenny: I know, we'll leaving tomorrow.

Mya: I'll miss you guys 😢

Violet: Me too, I miss-

Mya:  Yash 🙃

Violet: No! 😖

Mochi: Who is Yash?

Mya: It's Violet's boy-

Violet: We're only FRIEND!!!!!!!! 

Yuki: Oh~ Violet~

Violet: Stop! 😖

Me: *still watching shipping soup* 🙃

Rachel: So, if you guys go back to school tomorrow, where do we go?

Jenny: I don't know, ask Nina.

Mochi: She is watching something :V

Jenny: Nina, shut your shipping soup up and come here!!!!!

Me: What?! -.-

Jenny: Where do we gonna go tomorrow?

Me: Hmmmmmmm, I haven't plan it yet, give me sometime to think.

Yukimi: We're having an adventure, what about an adventure on the sea?

Me: Wow, that's a brilliant idea!

Rachel: But where would we go? Don't say to me it's Pacific Ocean, we don't have enough food to survive.

Mochi: Of course not Pacific Ocean!

Me: We'll sail from Japan to Australia!

Yukimi, Jenny, Rachel and Mochi: What?!

Me: Yes, it's could be a very fun trip!

Mya: Wasn't from Japan to Australia is a long way?

Me: But using my motor for boat won't be a long trip.

Jenny: Oh cool, but what-

Mochi: Guys, travel from Japan to Australia is 7500km

Yukimi: Cool, I can kill shark on the trip 🗡🙂

Rachel: Please don't do that.

Jenny: I'll go fishing 🙂

Me: I go out to get ready, when you guys finish, call me.

Everyone: Ok!

Yuki: So... you will start the trip tomorrow?

Jenny: Yup ^_^

Mya: We're gonna miss you

Violet: *dramatic sobbing*

Yukimi: Don't make me laugh :)))))

Violet: :)))))

Later that evening, we're having a dinner until we heard a loud noise outside, then the noise become louder (that mean something is coming closer)

Mochi: What was that?! O_O

Yukimi: Someone is trying to get inside the house!!!

Werewolf: Grrrrrrr I am the werewolf, let me in Yuki!!!!

Yuki: NEVER!!!!

Werewolf: *trying to destroy the door* GRRRRRRRRR


Everyone: *run to the garden*

Mochi: What does that werewolf want?!

Violet: He want our blood

Jenny: What do we do Now?

Yuki: Jenny, bring your friends to the boat and GO!

Jenny: But, what about you guys?!

Violet: Don't worry, we can do this!

Mya: Ya, we'll be ok, trust me.

Me: Ok... then... good luck!

Jenny: Stay safe!

Mochi: Goodbye...

Mya: We'll see each other soon.

Yukimi: Yeah...


Yuki: GO NOW!

Me: *carried Mochi and run to the boat*

Yukimi, Rachel and Jenny: *follow me*

We run to the boat as fast as we can, Jenny sometime look back to make sure that her sister is ok, we have gone far away from the house, now we can't see them but we only hear the fighting sound.

Finally we come to the boat and start to sail away...

Rachel: Thank goodness that we leave our stuff here on the boat...

Me: Yeah *untied the rope and sail the boat far away*

Jenny: I hope my sister is ok.

Yukimi: Don't worry, she'll be fine.

Mochi: This adventure is so crazy...

Me: I know, that's why I want to start the adventure

Jenny: Yeah, but is this a little come so far?

Rachel: Maybe...

Me: Just forget about it, now our next stop, Australia!

Mochi: Yay, I always want to see Kangaroo ^_^

Yukimi: I wanna see Koala :3

Jenny: Guys, it's getting a little late, let's sleep.

Everyone: Ok

The night fall down, the start twinkling in the sky, we fall asleep on the boat,...

*In my dream*

Hannah: Nina, you come to save me.

Me: Save you? What happen?!

Hannah: I... got... trapped... Help Me!!!!

Me: Where?!

Hannah: Under the same sky

Me: Wha-

Suddenly I wake up...

Me: This is so strange, I need to end up this, but... under the same sky?

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