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So, I've concluded Elisha's story in probably a not satisfying way. Aside from being busy, I also lost my love for Fairy Tail and Magi immensely that I couldn't really write this anymore. Now, I've pushed myself to overcome this and I do want to write a sequel. I'll brainstorm some ideas, but I think I like the idea of the sequel to take place just before the 100 Year Quest arc. Been reading up (wikia info because I don't have time to read manga as much as I used to) on where Fairy Tail went after I stopped reading (which was right after the Tartaros arc).

I do apologize if no one is satisfied with this, but Elisha's story is supposed to continue! It'll be original and won't follow any story-line in Fairy Tail. I will reference past events within Fairy Tail's timeline and the story won't take place in the world of Magi.

I'll give you an inside peek of what the original ending idea to this book was going to be.

Elisha was supposed to sleep with both Kouen and Sinbad. I was going to have her get pregnant without her knowledge and return to her world with a pair of twins waiting to be born the following year. Also, seven years wouldn't have passed when she returned home, so it gave room for the twins to grow up a bit. Each was supposed to resemble Kouen and Sinbad, but because Elisha and Sinbad share the same hair color, he wouldn't consider it being his child at first.

But because I've grown since then, this plot line wouldn't make up much for a book. I'll still consider the kid thing, but I want the sequel to really show how much Elisha has grown as a person just as much as I have. I was even going to have another voting system between Sinbad and Kouen. Due to how I keep getting votes in to this day despite the voting being closed, I won't do that for the sake of my own sanity (I got many phone notifications that my phone just stopped notifying me about comments).

When the new book comes out, I'm not sure as I'm taking my sweet time working on my BNHA/MHA fanfiction of my own OC and her struggles of controlling her own quirk.

Thank you to everyone that has given me their input and followed me on this long journey! This fanfic should have been finished years ago, and I apologize for that, but I think it was best I did come back when I did. Sure, these last parts have been coming out like crazy, but that's because I've been on a writing kick for this. Thank you again and I hope to see you all in the sequel!

I'll make a new part for when that sequel is released :)


Twitter: www.twitter.com/user/mini_unnie

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