10: Welcome to the Kou Empire

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"How much more do we have to walk?!"

Elisha wasn't the type to complain, but walking this entire time was a pain in the ass!

Sharrkan snickered.

"Oh? Elisha is already tired?" the man teased.

Spartos looked at the female with a small smile.

"We are almost there. On the bright side of things, we are out of the desert."

Terra grinned.

"It's so pretty here! Miss Elisha, the green here compliments the sky, doesn't it?"

"It sure does."

Sinbad spotted the capital as they reached the top of the hill. The male pointed down with a confident smile.

"That's our destination: The Kou Empire."

Elisha looked at the large city in awe.

It was beautiful from where they stood, but not as beautiful as previous places she had been.

"It's huge! Oh, is that the palace, Mister Sinbad? Are we going in there?"

"We are. From there, I have business with the emperor, so Spartos and Sharrkan will be accompanying you two during our stay. Once we reach Sindria, I'm sure I can spend more time with you both."

Elisha frowned.

"Spend time with you? I think I would rather spend time with a statue. At least it wouldn't ask questions left and right."

Terra and Sharrkan snickered as Sinbad looked displeased with her harsh words.

Maybe she was harsh, but Elisha still didn't trust the man. Even if he's a king, it would take far more than several questions in order for him to make a dent in her.

Spartos looked at Elisha and Terra for a moment.

"What's wrong Mister Spartos?"

"F-Forgive me, but the two you of are oddly dressed. Maybe we should get you two new clothes before greeting the emperor."

Sharrkan nodded.

"Terra is in rags and Elisha...well I have no clue what she's wearing."

Sinbad chuckled and walked forward.

"Then we'll do some small shopping first, but we shouldn't take too long. We've had enough distractions."

Elisha twitched and followed after.

"That's only because you draw too much attention to yourself. It's no wonder you need two men to watch after you."

Behind them, Sharrkan, Spartos, and Terra snickered at her comment.


The women around her clapped their hands together.

"Oi, you about done woman?" Sharrkan's voice came into the room.

He blinked as the women turned around revealing the new Elisha.

Elisha sighed as the tan male just stared.

She stood there wearing a sleeveless, white tunic with a blood, red sash around her waist, creme colored pants that were cut off right above the calf, but below the knee, and black sandals.

It was a strange color combination, but that wasn't the reason as to why Sharrkan was staring.

Elisha had her hair in a side braid giving her a less, wild look to her.

More Than Bargained For {{A Fairy Tail/Magi Cross-Over}}Where stories live. Discover now