Fake Relationships

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One Week Later

Roman's POV

This past week had honestly been a whirlwind, since myself and my brothers had taken a month off television to do the training camp we were now having to work double time to make up for missed appearances, signings and screen time.

Not that we minded, we were used to the high demand. Hard work was necessary if you wanted to get anywhere in WWE. That being said myself and my brothers were running on two hours of sleep at the moment. Dean and Seth were doing a signing, while I was doing a talk show appearance with Nikki.

I glanced at my phone wondering if Violet was awake, it was only 8am on a Saturday but I decided to chance it since we had hardly gotten to talk this week. Plus I just really wanted to hear her voice. I was being pulled in every direction and Violet was still getting used to the NXT regiment, so our time together was minimal to say the least.

I unlocked my phone and selected the contact that read my babygirl. The FaceTime call began to ring and I was just about to give up when suddenly Violet appeared on the call. I couldn't help but smirk as I must've caught her just getting out of the shower as she had a towel wrapped around her and her hair was wet.

"Babe!" Violet said happily." You look tired, long morning?" She asked.

"Yeah babygirl, I'm running on two hours of sleep but it's fine. Can you do daddy a favor though?" I asked with a smirk.

"Maybeee, depends what it is." She teased.

"Let that towel fall, let daddy see what's his." I said in a seductive tone and she instantly dropped her towel revealing her beautiful naked body. "Mmmm you have no idea how much I wish I was there with you, babygirl." I said.

"I know, I miss you. It's weird being in this house without you guys." She admitted.

"Just two more weeks beautiful. I'm surprised you're awake so early though." I said softly laughing as she usually slept until noon on weekends.

"Oh I went on a hike with some of the NXT talent. Andrade basically dragged me there. Trust me I plan on sleeping the rest of the day though." She said as she laid down on our bed.

"Who else was on this hike?" I asked curiously.

"Is someone getting jealous?" She teased." Andrade, those undisputed guys, Candice, Johnny, Rhea, and Dakota." She added noticing I didn't seem amused at the idea of her going alone on a hike with Andrade. Or with just guys from NXT. I knew how those NXT guys are, they're always looking to sleep with the newest signee. They practically bet who will sleep with them first. However, hearing that other girls were on the hike made me feel better.

"Well considering I'm the one looking at your beautiful gorgeous naked body, I have nothing to be jealous of. Now how's NXT going?" I asked knowing her first day hadn't been great because of the whole hair thing.

"Still hate my hair. Candice talks far to much but I haven't killed her yet. Hunter isn't half bad for being a boss. Still getting used to performing basically every night." She said softly and showed me a few of her bruises.

"Well congratulations babygirl, you got your first set of wrestling battle scars." I said and she playfully rolled her eyes.

"Babe are you in there?" Nikki asked while knocking on my door.

"I got.." I began to say but she cut me off.

"I know, you gotta go. Love you, Ro'. Talk to you later hopefully." She said then hung up before I could say anything as Nikki walked in dressed in a short red dress that showed way to much cleavage in my opinion. I wonder why Violet hung up so quickly, hopefully everything was okay though. I know it was hard for us right now but I knew we'd get through it.

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