Goodbye For Now

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Roman's POV

I woke up around nine in the morning because truth be told I didn't have the best sleep. I knew today me and Violet would be going out separate ways in a sense. She was staying in Florida to do NXT and I was going back on the road with my brothers. It would be three weeks before I got a day off to come back home. We hadn't been away from one another for more than half a day since we had started dating.

I looked down at Violet's naked sleeping body and smiled. Her head was rested against my chest and she was wrapped around me as tight as possible. She basically uses me as a body pillow, not that I minded. I loved the feeling of my babygirls bare skin against mine.

I noticed my brothers weren't laying in bed with us which meant they must be at the gym. I kissed Violet's forehead and let my hands softly roam her body, just wanting to feel her bare skin one last time before we had to leave.

"Good morning handsome." Violet said softly in her cute morning voice as her eyes fluttered open and she kissed me lovingly which I returned. She tried to stretch and I instantly saw pain written across her face as she whimpered.

"Stay right there, I'll get you some ibuprofen then massage you." I said slowly untangling myself from her not wanting to hurt her then got up and grabbed two ibuprofens along with a cup of water then handed them to her. She took both pills then swallowed some water.

"God it hurts, you guys suck." She mumbled and I couldn't help but laugh which caused her to playful smack me across the chest.

"You really want to hit daddy when you're this vulnerable and sore?" I asked in a seductive but stern voice which seemed to curb her attitude for now.

"But you're the reason I'm this sore in the first place." She said pouting cutely, which was an upgrade from the attitude I was just getting.

"How about I run you a nice hot bath and give you a massage? And when Seth and Dean get back, you can slap them instead." I said and she softly laughed at the last part.

"Deal babe. Can you carry me to the bath though?" She asked with an innocent smile.

"Of course babygirl." I said scooping her up bridal style and carrying her to my en-suite bathroom. I set her down on the counter and began to fill the jacuzzi size tub with scorching hot water.

"Ro'.."I heard Violet say softly causing me to instantly turn around.

"Yes Vi'?" I asked walking over to her as her facial expression seemed confused.

"You know I love you right?" She said softly as she caressed my face with her hand.

"Of course babygirl and I love you with all my heart." I replied kissing her deeply and passionately which she returned." Why do you ask though?" I asked once I slowly pulled away.

"'s stupid." She mumbled and kissed me deeply once more and wrapped her legs around my waist, trying to stop me from asking anymore questions.

"Violet, tell me." I said softly looking into her eyes.

"I..I'm scared." She admitted." All my life when people leave, they leave for good. And I'm not saying you are going to do that but some part of me is afraid of you flying off today and forgetting I ever existed." She said looking back into my eyes, actually being vulnerable.

"Violet, I will never forget you. I promise you in three weeks, I will be back and we can make up for lost time. I love you Violet and as much as you get on every one of my nerves, I can't live without you." I admitted and she smiled.

"I'm not surprised, who could live without me?" She joked returning to herself which made me smile.

"Come on let's get your sore body in the tub before you slap me again." I said picking her up and carrying her into the tub. I got in first then placed her in between my legs. She immediately sighed in relief once her body made contact with the water.

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