
Start from the beginning

Audelia remembered the pit in her stomach when she said yes to Nathan. The nagging feeling telling her that it was wrong and that she shouldn't do it.

There was no pit in her stomach now, and she knew there was only one answer to give her soulmate.


The smiles on Tony and Audelia's faces were unmatched. Carefully, Tony slid his mother's ring into it's rightful place on Audelia's finger, laughing as he looked down at the ring.

"Have to say, looks way better on that ring than Nathan's ever did,"

"That's because this one is meant to be there," Deli whispered, looking up into the love of her life's eyes as she laughed, wiping away a stray tear. "You just proposed to me in the middle of a CIA building."

"I'm very aware that I just did that, Dell,"

"You're literally insane,"

"Well you've dealt with it for all of your life so far. Now, you can do it again for the rest of it,"

Tony was quick to pull Audelia into his embrace, burying his head into her neck as he held her tight. Deli hugged him back, savoring the feeling of his arms around her, right where they belonged.

"I love you,"

"I love you too, Tony,"

Her smiled dropped as she looked at the ring, her mind plagued with the face of Maria Stark.

"Really, Audelia?" The pair pulled apart, turning to see Natasha leaning in the doorframe, smirking at the pair. "Now I owe Steve five bucks."

"You were betting on this?"

"I actually bet that you would make the first move, not Tony. And while I'm happy for you both and want you to celebrate..." Natasha held a cell phone out to Tony as she backed out of the doorway. "Secretary Ross is on the phone for you, they're bringing Sam and Steve in now, along with the new King of Wakanda."

Natasha was out of the door in a second, off to what Deli assumed was to meet with Everett Ross as he brought their friends in. She turned back to look at Tony, who was already looking down at her.

"I'll handle Ross. What do you say, celebrate after all this?"

"I could be down for an infamous Stark party to celebrate,"

"Now that," Tony leaned forward, pecking her forehead as he pulled away with a smirk. "Is my girl."

With Tony in the room, conversing with Secretary Ross, Audelia stepped outside as Natasha walked past her once again, coming face to face with Steve and Sam before her. She looked around, ensuring that no one would hear her, before looking back to Steve.

"He's alive?"

"Thanks to you, yes,"

"Good, now don't talk about it again," Deli's eyes trailed back to Tony as he began to exit the conference room. "Not sure it would go over well if Tony knew."

"No. Romania was not Accords-sanctioned. And, Colonel Rhodes is supervising cleanup," Tony stepped into place beside Audelia, his arm winding around her waist as he finished his call and Natasha walked up to stand beside them. "Consequences? You bet there'll be consequences. Obviously you can quote me on that 'cause I just said it. Anything else? Thank you, sir."

"Consequences?" Steve questioned with a raise of the eyebrow.

"Secretary Ross wants you both prosecuted. Had to give him something,"

"I'm not getting that shield back, am I?"

"Technically, it's the government's property now," Audelia told her friend with a shrug. "Wings too, Sam."

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