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Yeosang had victoriously got away from Lucas and he sighed in relief. His senses had cleared up a bit and he sobered up enough to know what was right and wrong. The taller tried to kiss him, and how stupid was Yeosang to not think he was going to pull something when he decided to knock on his door.

He felt guilty yet nothing even happened. But if he hadn't pulled away there was a chance something might've. Yeosang had to stay away from Lucas, he knew of the other's intentions and he couldn't let him get close to him anymore.

He had class in the morning with still four hours to spare some sleep and hopefully wear off a growing migraine. He arrived momentarily at his dorm and unlocked the door, trying to be as quiet as possible in case Wooyoung was sleeping.

Carefully, he opened the door slowly to make sure no creaky sounds formed. Yeosang peaked his head in, seeing that it was dark and he couldn't really tell if Wooyoung was in his bed or not. It was still dark outside and the curtains were close to have any light shine.

Yeosang tip toed in and closed the door behind him gently. He squinted his eyes shut while he took off his shoes. Once he was done he sighed in relief about to head to bed, seconds later the lamp turns on and Wooyoung grumbled, rubbing his eyes tired.

"Busted." He tsked and Yeosang groaned.

"I'm going to bed no questions." He mumbled not ready for an interrogation from the blonde. Wooyoung yawned as he sat up against the headboard.

"Nuh uh uh~ you're gonna answer me." He replied going to cross his arms, "Where were you and don't say with Hongjoong and them because they told me you left early."

And there goes Yeosang's excuse. He seriously didn't want to tell Wooyoung, he knew the other would be mad or yell at him for going to his dorm. So, he crawled into bed pretending not to hear him.

"You hear me talking to you, Sangie." Wooyoung glared and Yeosang could feel his eyes burning holes through the back of his head from how hard he was staring, waiting for him to respond. And he still never replied, most likely he was going to tell Wooyoung in class, maybe...or not.

Wooyoung huffed with an eye roll going to turnoff the lamp. Less than a minute later he's already dozing off. But come the morning he wouldn't take no for an answer and get Yeosang talking.

Yeosang groggily opened his eyes four hours (that seemed like two hours) later. He was running a bit late to class, and Wooyoung was already gone once the brunette climbed out of his bed, lazily dragging his feet across the carpeted floor that needed to be cleaned.

【✦➳☆ 𝘗𝘓𝘈𝘠𝘉𝘖𝘠 𝘚𝘌𝘖𝘕𝘎𝘚𝘈𝘕𝘎  】 Where stories live. Discover now