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To say the least last night wasn't as bad as Yeosang thought. Although he didn't want to go at first with Wooyoung and Hongjoong, he met Yeonjun who also didn't want to be there as well.

Both talked throughout the hour Yeosang was there. But it was nice. It took his mind away from Seonghwa and he almost forgotten about everything that happened. But of course he wasn't fully over just everything, nor could he equip his mind over the fact Seonghwa was his professor. And Yeosang couldn't help but to fall for him.

But going back to Yeonjun, the boy was around the same age as him. A freshman in college, but he hadn't seen the boy around at all. Or at least not yet anyway. And through all his classes, he would look around to see his dark blue hair in the crowd of students. But he didn't. He wanted to speak to the boy again, he really did.

It came down to Mr. Park's class and Yeosang dreaded going. This was an important class that he needed to go to, but it was all just too awkward for him. He walked into the auditorium with books and his laptop at his side. Mr. Park wasn't at his desk yet, and the boy sighed in relief.

He got here a few minutes earlier than Wooyoung, who was still stuck in bed from the time he was getting ready. Yeosang walked up to the same seat he sat yesterday and placed his stuff on the desk that came from the side of the seat. He got himself settled and stood in his seat, watching other students walk in.

He unexpectedly saw blue hair from the pack of students coming through the door. Yeosang gasped as he squinted his eyes more, looking at a boy in all black, coming through with a backpack around his shoulder. Their blue hair resembling Yeonjun.

It was him.


Without thinking Yeosang yelled out the boy's name. "Yeonjun!" Out of impulse making the blue haired boy turn his head before making eye contact with Yeosang. A smile creeping up his lips. The boy walked up the steps towards Yeosang, sitting in the seat next to him.

Yeosang wanted to cover his face with his hands for some reason. Wanting to hide his almost happy reaction to seeing the boy again. He didn't think the boy had any classes with him.

"Couldn't get enough of me couldn't you, beauty." Yeonjun smirked and Yeosang did a double take at the sudden nickname. A blush instantly finding Yeosang's cheeks, and resting there for a longing second.

"B-beauty? That came out of nowhere." Yeosang said stuttering over his words a bit. Yeonjun chuckled and sat his backpack on the ground next to him.

"Yeah. Beauty, it seems like a rather fitting nickname for you. Don't you think?" Yeonjun asked rhetorically. Though the two had an hour conversation that was only filled with getting to know the basics of each other, Yeonjun felt comfortable enough to call Yeosang a beauty.

He'd never been called that before. Sure, people complimented him about his looks. Calling him hot, sexy or charmingly, and even shy. But never beauty, something soft and warming. The light brunette didn't know how to feel about that. Only he felt a little more positive hearing it.

"O-Oh um sure." Mumbled Yeosang. He groaned to himself after stuttering again. Luckily Yeonjun laughed softly, his laugh was a mixture of sweet and utterly calming. Just music to Yeosang's bright red ears.

【✦➳☆ 𝘗𝘓𝘈𝘠𝘉𝘖𝘠 𝘚𝘌𝘖𝘕𝘎𝘚𝘈𝘕𝘎  】 Where stories live. Discover now