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Later in the day, Yeosang found himself at the campus library with Wooyoung. And while people were studying around them, the two were in the back chit chatting away.

Yeosang laughed at every joke Wooyoung told which is something he hardly does. But he felt lifted and in the best mood he could possibly be in. He went from being angry to having a smile on his face. All because of Seonghwa. And although the professor made him upset for so clearly embarrassing in front of the class, he apologized.

Yeosang didn't know someone as headstrong as Seonghwa portrayed to be, would actually apologize to him. Maybe the younger was starting to have an affect on him. And Yeosang couldn't help but be smug. And when Wooyoung spoke, Yeosang's mind was still on earlier, replaying the moments in his head.

"Some of these freshman guys are slimy. Like ew, please stay away from me." Wooyoung frowned.

"Yeosang," Wooyoung waved his hand in front of the brunette's face as he glanced to see Yeosang looking somewhere else, and surely not paying to attention to him at all. Wooyoung sighed deeply before he snapped his fingers in front of Yeosang's face.

"Yeosang!" The boy yelled and Yeosang flinched in his seat. Yeosang touched his heart dramatically before sighing. "You nearly gave me a heart attack Wooyoung."

"Well maybe if you were paying attention to me, I wouldn't have done that." Wooyoung hissed. Yeosang shrugged but his grin didn't fade. And that caused Wooyoung to grow suspicion.

"What's the mischievous grin for?" Wooyoung asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on his face. Yeosang shook his head, trying to hide his smile as he put his elbows on the table, and leaned forward to have his hands supporting his face.

Wooyoung gasped, "Have you done something dirty, Yeosang." He whispered as Yeosang softly chuckled.

"Not saying I did do anything dirty but-" Yeosang started as he clasped his hands together. Wooyoung fixed his posture and sat up straight in the uncomfortable chairs they were in.

"You're aren't denying it though." Wooyoung added.

"I didn't do anything dirty, Woo. I'm just a tad bit happier because...because-" Yeosang trailed off wanting to say Seonghwa's name but he knew Wooyoung would get upset. But to his surprise, Wooyoung finished his sentence for him.

"Because of Seonghwa right?"

Yeosang gazed at him awkwardly as he shifted in his seat. "Y-yeah."

"Look Sangie. I'm your bestfriend, and the most important thing for me is to make sure you don't get hurt." Wooyoung says, staring right at Yeosang  with a seriously look on his face, but he made sure his words were soft.

【✦➳☆ 𝘗𝘓𝘈𝘠𝘉𝘖𝘠 𝘚𝘌𝘖𝘕𝘎𝘚𝘈𝘕𝘎  】 Where stories live. Discover now