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Yeosang tossed around in his bed in the  middle of night and found himself waking up. He rubbed his eyes and scouted back in his bed until he bumped into the hard body of someone. He faintly gasped before he turned around to only see Seonghwa, still there beside him, looking so peaceful and at rest.

The older hadn't left yet and it caused Yeosang to feel butterflies (even late at night) in his stomach. The brunette without even thinking, moved his face close enough to press a small peck on Seonghwa's nose, which caused the older to slowly wake up mumbling a quiet groan as he does.

"Hey..." Yeosang whispered and Seonghwa opened his eyes before chuckling softly.

"Hi, baby." The sudden nickname causing Yeosang to blush. Thankfully it was dark enough so the older couldn't see and eventually tease him afterwards.

"I thought you had left hours ago," Yeosang said as he sat up a bit, propping his elbow on his pillow and lays his head on the palm of his hand. Seonghwa yawns and stretches a bit before responding.

"I wanted to get a little sleep first," Yeosang laughed softly at that, going to say something in response but didn't. The room was still dimmed and Yeosang could make out the outline of Seonghwa's perfectly structured face.

"When is your roommate going to be back?" Seonghwa asked as he pushes some of his hair from his face, sitting up now against the headboard.

"I'm not sure." Yeosang mumbled truthfully. He was hoping where ever Wooyoung was, he would spend the night with San. And plus he didn't want Seonghwa to leave just yet, but he knew he had to leave before anyone saw him around the dorm rooms. Professors being around the dorm rooms would clearly cause suspicion. And Yeosang couldn't bring himself to have another said rumor about Seonghwa spreading around the halls.

"Wooyoung will probably be back soon-"

"You're roommate is Jung Wooyoung? Ah that makes sense." Chuckled the professor and Yeosang frowned looking up at him.

"Why does that make sense?"

"I figured you two were close and familiar with each other." The older shrugged. "It's amazing you two ended up getting to become each others roommate."

Yeosang only hummed as he thought about it. It didn't cross his mind at the fact that he could've gotten a completely different person as his roommate. Which would've ended up awkward as hell for the brunette due to his social awkwardness. But he were thankful he got his bestfriend, who he's known for years.

【✦➳☆ 𝘗𝘓𝘈𝘠𝘉𝘖𝘠 𝘚𝘌𝘖𝘕𝘎𝘚𝘈𝘕𝘎  】 Where stories live. Discover now