The anger Vera had once felt was replaced by amazement and, dare she say it, giddiness. The Cadet whom she had known for so little time had turned from acquaintance to friend in the blink of an eye, and she found herself grateful to have met the rebellious young man. With his granting of freedom came a request, and she was willing to do anything to appease Kirk, "A request? What is it? I'll do anything you want."

He sighed slightly, taking a moment to brush his hair out of his face and allow his hand to travel down to the back of his neck, which he scratched nervously, "Um...well, I would like for you to go find Spock and talk to him about our fight."

Immediately, Vera's happiness was once again dropped, but instead replaced with confusion, her brows furrowed and her gaze curious, "Why me?" There was absolutely no reason for her to talk to the Vulcan - she had despised the very idea of acquainting with a Vulcan since the moment her father left, and now she was being asked to talk to him on behalf of the USS Enterprise's acting Captain, both of whom she barely knew.

Kirk replied, "Because last time you talked to him seemed to turn out pretty good. Plus, I'm fairly sure that if I tried to talk to him he would only try to kill me again."

At his comment, which was given with a slight smile and soft airiness, Vera chuckled lightly, before returning to her state of confusion, "No, Kirk, last time I talked to him, I'm pretty sure I just made him feel worse for his mammie dying. In case you couldn't tell, I'm not exactly the best at emotion confrontation. Besides, I barely know him! I really don't think moments before my second abandonment is a proper time to try to comfort an emotionless Vulcan."

"Trust me, Vera, it is. Just go talk to him, then you can leave, I promise."

Vera sighed, then nodded, "Make Scotty Chief for me, would you?"

"I just don't see what the point is," Vera muttered to herself as she took the turbolift down to where she hoped she would find the Vulcan, "I mean, I couldn't even comfort him about his damn mammie dying, what makes me think I can make him feel better about loosing his position to his emotions? I can't control my own emotions, so what makes me think I can help someone who's not even in touch with theirs?" 

In the midst of her own rambling, Vera was barely able to tell she had reached her designated floor, and even less privy to the fact that Spock was standing right outside the turbolift, waiting for his time to get in. Once Vera did realize this, however, she was quick to leap from the lift before its doors closed, grabbing onto the Vulcan's arm without warning and dragging him behind her, no explanation to be seen.

It took only a few moments for Vera to reach her destination of an empty storage room and, wanting to get her demanded talk over with as soon as possible, practically chucked Spock into the room and barreled in herself, shutting the door behind her. The Vulcan, rather surprised with Vera's erratic behavior, allowed a single of his pointed eyebrows to be lifted in confusion, his voice laced with just as much puzzlement as Vera's had been before, "Miss Crynn? What are you doing?"

Vera shook her head tiredly, holding up a hand to allow her, and her alone, to speak, "Look, Spock, I'm going to be leaving soon, and Kirk asked me to do one last favor for him before I do so, so I'm just here to be the human version of a telephone and ask if everything is okay."

"Leaving?" Spock repeated, puzzled, "What do you mean 'leaving'? If you and Mister Pike plan on abandoning soon, I can guarantee that Starfleet with have severe consequences in store-"

"I don't care what the consequences are, I just want to get away from all this; I want to get away from the missions, the people I don't like, the putting my life at risk for the very same people I hate, the not being in control of my own actions..." Vera began, trailing off as she realized that her own excuse for leaving was rather pathetic. 

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