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༄ chapter forty seven

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chapter forty seven

-ˋˏ THE EVAL PT. 1 ˎˊ-

VERA'S PLAN, first and foremost, was to seem respectable. Her father, however scummy he may have been behind closed doors, was still well-liked. As an Ambassador, he was praised by Vulcan's for his work towards Vulcan-Earth peace, and his decision to leave his wife and children was glossed over when it came to his marrying of the daughter of a beloved late general in their council. All Vera had to do was bring them to the realization that he wasn't all he was chalked up to be, especially when it came to his parenting decisions. Easier said than done. 

That being said, there was already enough proof to stake a claim towards abandonment in the form of the waiver concerning Nath's parentage on Earth. Any man willing to give up his child on one planet must not want them on any, right? That was all Vera had to go on. 

Spock had elected to remain silent in the day-long hearing being held by the Vulcan Council. He had angered them greatly with his decision to attend Starfleet rather than the Vulcan Academy of Science, and he suspected (truthfully, Sarek had informed him of such) they might hold a grudge against him. Nevertheless, he knew Vera and Nath needed his support. He held just as much a claim to worry as Vera did in these proceedings. He had grown to care for Nath just as Vera cared for him (it didn't help that a piece of his heart felt completed the moment Nath accidentally referred to him as his father) and couldn't risk allowing Cassius any claim over the young Halfling. 

"Oh, and another idea: maybe I could get them to see him as more human and therefore less worthy of having a place on Vulcan? Sure, it's a bit of a slap in the face to his identity, but maybe the council will see him as being more fit to live on Earth than Vulcan and therefore limit citizenship or something along those lines? I don't know, i'm just going off of anything we can possibly use," Vera ranted. She and Spock were talking over breakfast in their hotel room, waiting for Nath to get out of the shower and ready himself for the proceedings. 

They really should not have waited until the morning before the trial to brainstorm.

The man opposite her nodded, taking into account her suggestions. It could work, perhaps, but taking away Nath's rights to his Vulcan blood would only place him in the same position Spock found himself in during his childhood -- granted, on the opposite end of the coin. He didn't want to limit Nath so early into his life. He knew the boy would one day -- perhaps not today, not tomorrow, but someday -- want to reconnect with his Vulcan heritage. His biological mother may not be there to guide him through it, and his new mom was practically clueless to the culture, but Spock was there, and he had a sneaking suspicion he would one day be the one to have to heal him from the trauma that came with Vulcans and Humans mating. He couldn't deprive his son of a future embracing his entire self, something he himself still hadn't mastered. 

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