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Lucy's POV

The party is about to start. I'm gonna give Erza a strawberry cake. That's all I can give....*depressed* I'm such a poor kid....

"Hey Luce!" Natsu ran to me.

"Hey..." I said.

"What's up?"

"Miku and the others are not here yet. I wonder if they're ok...." I said worryingly. Natsu smiled.

"Of course they are! What could possibly go wrong!" Natsu hugged me. "Don't be sad. I'll be sad too." I tried to hold my blush.



"Who did you pick?" I've been wondering that the whole time.

"You'll know later." He said and left. Meanie....

The party started. Miku and the others came just in time for the gift exchange. I gave my gift to Erza already. I wonder who picked me... I'm so excited!!!!!

Luka's POV


I have to tell Gakupo. Even if he's gonna hate me.

I saw Gakupo outside looking at the stars. Just looking at him makes my heart beat really fast. Argh! I can't do this!

Fea: Just telling him that you don't have a gift for him is like a confession already.

Luka: Shut it Fea! Back to the story!

I walked to him. Every step makes my heart beat faster. I can imagine him yelling at me already.

"Um....G-G-Gakupo?" I stuttered. He turn to my direction. He's so cool when the moonlight hits his face! I blush.

"Yes Luka?" He says. I try to say it but it won't come out.

" I...."

"Yes?" He said.

"I'M SO SO SO SORRY!!!!!! I DONT HAVE A GIFT FOR YOU!!!" I bowed. Gakupo was silent. I looked up to him, expecting him to says "I hate you!" or something.

"You picked me?" I nodded in reply and he smiled.

"Its okay. I don't have a gift either." He said.

"Eh? Who did you pick?" I asked.

"You." Wait- me?!?!?! Holy tuna!!!!i turned really red.

"Oh its okay. Its even." I smiled.

"Actually, I do have a gift but I don't know if you'll like it..." He blushed.

"Really?! What?!" He held my waist and pulled me really close. I'm burning red. He held my chin. I closed my eyes and we kissed. He pulled away. I froze.

"I'm sorry if you didn't like-" I kissed him again. And this time, it was longer and he didn't pull away.

"Yay! Gakupo and Luka are together!" We stopped when we heard Rin shout. THEY WATCHED THE WHOLE TIME!!!!!!!!!!!

"Aw...... They stopped." Miku said and hit Rin with a leek.

"Congrats!" Gumi said.

"Nooooooo!!!!!! Can't be used as a plot!!!!" Lucy said. They all teased us and congratulated us and blah blah blah.



Fea: Merry Christmas everyone!!! Woohoo!!!!

All: Merry Christmas!!!

Fea: Since Luka and Gakupo are together, NO MAKING BABIES YET!

Luka: WTF??????? We weren't planning to.

Fea: Just in case because Gakupo is a total pervert.

Gakupo: Hey!

Annie: Well, let's get the party started! Hit it!

96neko: You ain't starting unless Team Petshop is here!

Fea: Kuro-chan?

Len: Kuro-chan! *hides*

Tenchou: Konnichiwa minna-san!

Kogeinu: Merry Chri! Merry Chri!

Fea: Can we start?

96neko: Yep.

Lucy: Hit it!

(Playing: Jingle bells by Team Pet shop)

All: *sings with Team pet shop*

Fea: Hope you guys liked the Christmas special! Don't forget to comment and vote! Have a merry Christmas! Bye! *sings with them*

Vocatail (Fairytail and Vocaloid) [Under Major Editing]Where stories live. Discover now