★Author's note!!!!☆

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Fea(Fairyloid_1225):Ok so I made this 'cause I am still thinking about the next part of this book. And the next part this dedicated to RoseBonneyBelle and Nerdyangel26!!!!

Angel:*comes out of nowhere* Aw.... Thanks Fea-chan!

Sting:*kicks the door* Hey Fea-san!

Fea: Hey Sting!

Angel:*fangirling* STING!!!! *clings on Sting*

Rogue: *comes in* Sting you baka! Don't kick the door! Hi Fea-san.

Fea: Yo!

Rose:*comes out of nowhere and clings on Rogue* HI ROGUE!!!!!

Sting, Rogue: *looking at Fea for help*

Fea: *shrugs* Sorry.

Angel:*still fangirling with Rose and sends them away*

Annie: *comes out of nowhere* That is the effect of having fangirls.

Fea: Hey! When did you get here?!


Fea: Whatever. So I'm sorry for not updating! Please, please, please wait!!!! My writer's block is really really bad!!! So please wait!!!

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