In Vocaloid.......

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In this part, we'll go to the vocaloids on what they did before Fairytail knew about the concert.


Rin's POV

I was going back to the mansion. It's three in the afternoon and I haven't eaten lunch yet. "I can't wait to eat my oranges!". After thinking of my hunger, I ran to the mansion.

"Finally!" then I ran to the refrigerator.

I opened it and I saw no oranges.

"Nooooo!!!!" I shouted then Len ran to me.

"Rin, what happened?!"

"There are no more oranges and I'm very hungry. *sniff*"

"Aw..... Don't cry. I'll go buy some in the store. Ok?"

"Ok thanks Len" then he left.

Len is like my brother but he's not.We may look like twins but we're not.We have different parents which is good 'cause I have a huge crush on Len ever since I met him. I love everything about him even if he acts like a gay. I wish I could confess but never mind.

Len's POV

I went out to buy oranges for my Rinny. Yeah, yeah I guess you guys know already. I love Rin even if she is scary sometimes. I wish I could tell her but I'm too shy. So all I can do is be nice to her.

After a while, I reached the store.

"I'm gonna find the best oranges for my Rinny!" then I went in bought the best ones I can find,paid and went back to the mansion.

At the mansion......

Miku's POV

"I'm so tired......" I said. I went to my room and jumped on the bed. I did a lot of new songs since we have a concert in Fiore, Magnolia. I wonder if it's nice there.People said that they have real wizards there. That would be cool.


My stomach is empty. So I got a leek and ate it. Then I saw everyone watching tv.

"Hey Miku!come join us." Kaito said

"Ok!" then I sat beside Kaito.

Oh Kaito.... he's so handsome. Instead of watching tv I stared at Kaito. Then suddenly, Kaito saw me staring at him.

" there something on my face?"

"Ah! n-no! nothing at all." then I blushed.

"Oh ok" then he faced the tv.

Good thing he didn't see me blush.

Then I checked the time....

"Oh it's late already. I'm going to bed now." I said

"Ok goodnight." all of them said

"Good night!" then I went to sleep.


Rin: Hey did you know that Kaito and Miku are together?

Kaito,Miku: What?!

Rin: Wait aren't you together?

Miku: No why?

Rin: Because you and Kaito are always together and you look cute together.

Miku ,Kaito: *blushing*

Len: Why are you blushing? Are you two together?

Miku, Kaito: *still blushing* No!

Rin: You sure?

Kaito: Yes!

Kagamines: Lying!

Miku: No we're not!

Kagamines: Kaito and Miku are together!

Miku:Shuddap! *grabs Lucy's chainsaw*


Lucy: Hey my chain-! They left.

Fairy-chan: Ok.... See 'ya guys!

Vocatail (Fairytail and Vocaloid) [Under Major Editing]Where stories live. Discover now