Still in Vocaloid.....

484 18 5

Kaito's POV


What was that?!

"What was that?!" I asked

"Let's check." Gakupo said

"I think it came from upstairs." Luka said

When we went upstairs, we saw Miku on the floor.

"Miku!!" We said. I ran to her. We were all worried until we heard her snoring. She's just sleeping.

"That scared the f**k out of me!'' I said. I'm always  there for Miku because I love her so much.

"You're very worried about Miku huh?" Gakupo said

"That because Kaito likes Miku-chan!" Rin said aloud.

"RIN!!!! I told you already not to say it!!!" I said blushing. Argh! I knew I shouldn't have told her. Why did I tell her at the first place?

"Its ok. We won't tell her." Luka said

"And besides, Miku likes-" Meiko said but did not complete because Luka covered her mouth.

"What's Meiko about to say?" I asked

"Um..... what she was about to say was......" Luka said thinking what to say.

"I was about to say that Miku also likes ice cream like you thats her second favorite food next to leeks." Meiko said.

"Oh..... ok."

"Uh.... let's go to bed now. Good night!"Rin said

"Wait!what about Miku?" Len asked

"I'll carry her to her room." I said

"Ok good night!"

Then we went to our rooms. I carried Miku bridal style and went to her room. Wow.... how many leeks does she eat in a day? She kinda heavy.

I turned the doorknob and put her to bed. She's looks so peaceful when she sleeps.

"I'm so sleepy."

My room is still at the first floor and I might collapse like Miku so.....

"Miku won't mind right?"

I moved her to the side and slept beside her.

"Good night Miku-chan..." I said and gave her a kiss on the forehead and she smiled.

"She must be dreaming."

I shut my eyes and slept.


Fairy-chan: Hey guys!

Luka: Hello Fairy-chan!

Fairy-chan: Where's Miku and the Kagamines?

Kaito: Eh..... there.

Miku: Help me! Kaito! Fairy-chan! AHHHH!!!!!!!!

Rin: *on a roadroller*This is what you get if you mess with me! HAHAHAHAHA!!!!!!

Len: Rin! stop! your gonna hit the mansion!

Rin: Okay.......*eyes widen* Its not working! AHHHH!!!!!!!! GET OUTTA THE WAY!

All: AHHHH!!!!!!! *running*

BAM!*mansion is destroyed*

All:*giving death glares at Rin*

Rin: Um........


Rin: You're not the master!

Fairy-chan: Yeah I am! I'm the author so you listen or else.........

Rin: Or else what?

Fairy-chan: Or else no oranges for a year!

Rin: Fine! No road rollers.

Fairy-chan: Good! Also you have to pay the damages for the mansion.

Rin: Ok.....*making a sad face*

Fairy-chan:Okay see you guys at the next chapter!

Vocatail (Fairytail and Vocaloid) [Under Major Editing]Where stories live. Discover now