Christmas Special (Part 1)

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Lucy's POV

"Everyone!" Master Makarov yelled. I guess no one listened aside from me.

"Everyone" He repeated. Guild's still chaotic until Erza grabbed the microphone from Master. "YO DEAF-ASSES!! LISTEN TO OLD MAN HERE OR I'LL CRUSH YOUR STOMACHS AND I'LL FEED 'EM TO MY PET OSTRICH!!! "

All the people in the guild stared at Erza and shivered uncontrollably. Even the most bravest men like Elfman. Even me!

Erza gave back the microphone to Master and said, "I think my job here's done."

"O-ok E-erza tha-thanks for t-the um.. um.. The support.. I guess." master barely said. "So, um. Oh yeah! We will be having the Exchanging of gifts a-"


Fea: Wait a minute. I'm the writer! Get you're ass outta here Angel!
Angel: Okay....*leaves the room*
Fea: Okay, back to the story!

"Rin don't kick the door!" Len said.

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Whatevs." Rin replied. Even if their in a relationship, they still stay the same. Oh I just realized, I CANT USE THEIR LOVE STORY!!! ITS TOO DAMN SHORT FOR NOVEL!!! I guess I'll just use another plot.

As I was thinking of a plot, master started blabbering about a thing called Gift Exchange. He prepared a tiny box full of small papers which are rolled up. Every paper has our names, even the Vocaloids names, in it. We have pick one then on Christmas, we give the one that we pick a gift. There are also rules. Or should I say "rule".

"Rule number 1, the only and the most important rule of Gift Exchange, is to NEVER tell ANYONE who you picked. Especially to the one you picked." Makarov said looking at everyone of us but he focused on Natsu. "Okay, everyone line up! Pick one paper only!"

I followed Makarov and lined up. I wonder who will I pick....

"Hey Lucy, you hoping to pick Natsu?" Luka whispered to me. I got a bit red at her question.

Natsu's POV

"You hoping to pick Natsu?" I heard the pinked haired girl asked Lucy. (Fea: F*ck you Natsu! Her name's Luka!")

I eavesdropped at their conversation.

"Um... I guess. Well as a friend." She said. I felt a little pain in my chest at Lucy's answer. She sees me as a friend. All these years...

After I heard that, I stopped listening.

Lucy's POV

"I thought you liked him." Luka said.

"Shush!!!" I covered her mouth. "He's just in front of us!" I whisper shouted at her.

"Oh..." She did a peace sign. Now, its my turn to ask.

"What about you? Gakupo?" I asked and she got red.


Oh this is good. I'll use Luka and Gakupo love story. MWAAHAHAHA!!!!

It was my turn to pick. I got one paper and unrolled it.

I picked...










Fea: Yeah! Part 1 done!

Natsu: Hey what's the name of pink haired girl again?

Fea: *pissed* Luka! Her damn name is Luka! Mag-memo plus gold ka na!

Natsu: I don't speak Filipino.

Fea: *throws a Filipino dictionary at Natsu's face* Read it!

Natsu: *unconscious *

Fea: Took care of that . Who did Lucy pick? Stay tuned for part 2! If you want a spoiler, well..... PM me!^^ Bye!^^

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