44: Not the Left-Overs! : Xander makes a mess?

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The little witched trudged through the neighborhood until she found the door labeled 507. It was at the corner of a cul de sac, across from the elementary school. She wasn't thinking about the consequences, she just couldn't stand the thought that Xander was going to the dance, and he was going to bring Rivin.

Amy wasn't stupid. She knew Rivin was a part of the pack that dominated Death City. Black Star doted on her. Soul thought she was pretty okay. Tsubaki and Maka went out of their way to ensure her safety in the city (as well as those around her). She also realized that Rivin was dangerously close to being a Kishin. Only the Weapon's stout insistence on keeping Leila safe and happy kept her from completing the transformation.

Kid couldn't find out she was alive. If he did, he would leave Amy to take care of Rivin, and that simply was not acceptable. Fortunately, Xander's soul was still hugely receptive to her smallest suggestions. Keeping them isolated from Kid and his Weapons had been much easier than she expected, and no one even suspected what she was.

Everyone would continue to blame Xander.

She would be the sweet, innocent girl that no one could hate. The act was perfect.

She activated the intricate designs painted on her hands and bare feet. They glowed faintly pink. Amy threw the door open and slammed the palm of her hand against the inside wall as a greeting. The siding and plaster and paint turned to dust under her touch, blowing away on a suddenly colorful breeze.

Two pairs of eyes focused on her scowl. Rivin's yellow eyes were wide with fear. Xander looked both amused and annoyed. Amy hid a smirk. She walked across the large living area, each step leaving smoldering carpet in her wake. "Xander, you are going to stop tormenting that poor weapon this instant! I also demand that she goes to the Valentine's Day dance tonight."

Rivin looked quickly between the two witches. Her fear evaporated into shrewd calculations. She sat back in her chair with her arms crossed. "That... That was the plan."

Amy felt her soul. She could have laughed, but kept her mirth to herself. The halfling had no idea what her relationship with Xander was or why he got so angry when they spent time together. She actually enjoyed helping Rivin sneak out on occasion. They had plenty of fun together. Afterall, one could expect to catch more flies with honey than with vinegar.

Xander smirked, "When did you get so brave? The Amy I remember was a little coward."

She held her palms in front of her, parallel. Electricity began to spark between the transmutation circles. "Shut up."

"I'm getting really tired of this," Xander growled. He clasped her hand. Smoke rose from his flesh, but he didn't seem to mind the pain. "All I ever wanted for you was a normal life."

Amy thrust her fist up under Xander's jaw. She heard his teeth slam together and watched his head snap back. She jerked away.

Rivin blinked and cocked her head. Her face spread into a wide smile and she started laughing. "I think I know who you are!" Her laughter knocked her to the floor, clutching her stomach with tears leaking from her eyes.

A barrage of tiny lightning bolts flew from Xander's fingertips. Amy raised her arms over her face to protect herself. Her skin was covered in small scorch marks. Her body trembled with the memory of electricity. She refused to back down, "You don't scare me."

"I don't?" He laughed, "You scare me, Amy Chalkart. Everything about you is unnatural." Xander grabbed her wrist and swung her around. He threw her face down on the table with both arms pinned behind her back.

She flipped over, intent on introducing Xander's face to the transmutation circles on her hands. He sidestepped the over-excited alchemist easily and placed his hand in the center of her back. They both froze, waiting for the other's reaction.

Eating Souls, Act One: The BeginningOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora