12: He could never love you: Who is the Funny Man?

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Rivin felt groggy and sick. The digital time read 7:30. She blinked. Someone was at the door and it was almost ten... She tried to call out, but her voice was broken. Her body didn't seem to belong to her. She didn't quite remember what she had been dreaming about, only that it had been scary, and then Stein had been there. It was still scary, though his presence made it more manageable.

The knocking became more insistent. "Rivin? Leila? Are you in there?"

"Kid?" she croaked.

"Come in!" Leila called. Ever since the sun had started to come up, she'd been cleaning up shards of glass and then in the kitchen, preparing an elaborate breakfast. There was french toast, bacon, eggs, donuts, and fresh orange juice. "Good morning Kid! You hungry?"

"Why aren't you and Rivin in class? Not that it matters terribly, Professor Stein didn't show up eith..." He caught sight of the sleeping professor on the couch. His eyes narrowed. "Actually, I will have some breakfast. Then perhaps you can explain what's going on?"

Leila scratched the back of her head awkwardly. "Yeah...it's kind of a funny story...that isn't really funny at all...I don't think I'll be able to tell it properly without Rivin and Stein's help, so until they wake up..." she handed him a glass. "Juice?"

Rivin forced herself to sit up. Her head throbbed. She grumbled something unintelligible with her eyes still tightly shut. She was still trying to remember her dream, but the last thing she could really visualize was a bathroom. White and grey tiles and light blue accents. A standing shower with bright lights.

"Rivin?" Leila said softly, peeking through the door.

She opened one eye, "neh?"

"Would you like some breakfast? I made french toast and bacon and donuts."

"Donut..." Rivin repeated dully, "I possihaps heard Kid? I dunno... brain hurts..." she plopped down on the floor, "Gonget dressed... be out in minutes..."

Leila giggled at her. "Yes, Kid is here. I'll make you a plate for when you come out." She walked back to the kitchen. On the way, she glanced over at Stein, who was still unconscious on the couch. She wondered if she should get some food ready for him as well, or if she should wait for him to wake.

Does it matter? He'll never be your meister. He can never love you.

She closed her eyes with a sigh. Briefly touching the bandage on her stomach with a hand that still trembled slightly, she decided to concern herself with plates of food for Kid and Rivin first.

Rivin pulled on comfortable pajama pants and a black mesh jacket over a white bikini top with a black flower on the left breast. She stumbled out into the living room and absentmindedly curled up in the corner of the couch Kid occupied.

He smiled happily. "Good morning, Rivin. How are you?" He took a foot into his lap and rubbed gently. It seemed to help before, so it stood to reason it could be welcome now.

"Better-ish," she mumbled, unaware that she was even talking, "I didn't eat anyone and I think I'm an adult again, so that's a thing I need to count, I guess."

".... What?"

Leila grimaced. It looked like Rivin wasn't going to be able to help her explain after all. "She went mad." She brought out two plates of breakfast, and a glass of juice for Rivin. "Stein helped her out of it...but he kind of went mad too..." She rubbed her stomach again subconsciously, feeling a fresh surge of guilt. "They're ok now though...I think."

"Mostly," Rivin agreed, "I think I hurt Daddy though. He'll probably want to yell at me."

"I hope not," Stein muttered, putting his hand over his eyes, "I'm not sure I'll be able to face a God anytime soon."

Eating Souls, Act One: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now