9: Punch it in the face! : Madness bites?

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Rivin skipped into class the next morning ahead of Leila. She hugged Crona and patted Ragnarok on the head. "SHE DOES LOVE ME" Ragnarok proclaimed to the class.

"Ow! What did I do?"


"Then you shouldn't hit me... OW TSUBAKI SAVE ME!"

Tsubaki sighed, then gave Ragnarok a stern look, "You already don't get candy until the dance for hitting Crona. Do you want to go without candy until the next dance?"




"No she OW didn't... OW!"

Soul stepped up next to Crona, "Don't worry about it. Why don't you just punch him like you did that one time? That was pretty cool."

"b-but... I don't think I could OW STOP IT!" Crona's fist flew straight up. He punched Ragnarok square in the jaw, knocking the sword out cold.

Soul smirked, "I knew you could do it."

"y-yeah," Crona nodded once, looking pleased with himself.

Maka led the two to their customary seats. Tsubaki and Black Star weren't far behind them. Leila strolled in and took a seat beside Tsubaki. Kid came in next with Liz and Patti. He smiled at Rivin as he passed by her to sit down.

"Alright, let's sit down everyone..." Stein said, entering the classroom with a twist of his screw. His chair squeaked and groaned as it rolled into place.

Rivin wriggled in her seat, but couldn't contain herself. She bounded up to the front of the room and pounced him, "Nii-chaaan! Nii-chan, guess what!?"

He looked at her with annoyed amusement. "Yes...?" She really was too much like Ginko for her own good. Regardless of Diomedes mental state, Stein almost wished Rivin were a bit more like him. A bit of quiet never hurt anyone, after all.

"I got a job," she whisper-yelled as she smushed her cheek against his, "A normal person job! I'm so excited!"

Maka laughed awkwardly. What exactly was Rivin doing?

Soul sighed. Hugging the teacher. That wasn't cool at all.

Stein gently shoved her off of him. "Congratulations. I'd like to start class now, if you don't mind terribly..."

"Oh Rivin..." Leila mumbled, shaking her head. "So silly."

"Oh, okay Nii-chan." She giggled, "If you say so." Rivin skipped up to Leila and poked her nose, "I hugged Nii-chan before you did!"

Leila stuck her tongue out at Rivin. "Yes, but he pushed you off of him." She leaned close and dropped her voice to an ominous whisper. "Now go sit down, or I'll go hug Kid for you."

"But," Rivin blinked at her, "Buuuuuuut! Fine. I won't make you dessert tonight. I'LL EAT IT ALL MYSELF"

"That's fine. After all, what would be the point of making dessert if you don't get any dinner first?" Leila emphasized the last six words and raised her eyebrows.

Rivin crossed her arms as she plopped down next to Leila, "Then I'll just go have dinner with Tsubaki. She likes me."

"Riiiiviiin!" Black Star charged her, "I chall—"

"Actually," Stein interrupted, "Black Star. Rivin. You two will be partners for today's lesson. Come here please."

"But Dr. Stabby!"

Eating Souls, Act One: The BeginningWhere stories live. Discover now