Chapter 23 - An Uncolorful Past

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"I grew up on Bellevieux, a small island community that's a part of the nation of Ephraim. The island was home to a few hundred residents and for the most part those that lived there raised livestock or grew food. We had a large farm that supplied food to a few small towns and cities in Ephraim who would then give it to those who needed it most. I often helped my parents around the farm growing up and to be honest, life was good. Life was great in fact. We were well known in the area and respected as well."

"It was around when I was eight years old when my dad got involved in a faulty business deal he poured a lot of resources into but unfortunately went nowhere, at least that's how mother explained it to me then. This marked a turning point in our lives for the worst."

"He just wasn't able to rebound enough from that financially nor did he receive support from those he worked with. I guess everyone was just trying to protect their own. Shortly after, father began to grow...unruly."

"He worked less, causing the farm and its crops to decline which negatively impacted how we lived. When he wasn't working I often saw him drinking which never happened prior to the business deal. This was over a century ago now but I still remember hearing mother cry at night. She was such a joyous person before all of that...we all were."

"Then one day, I noticed a bruise on my mother's arm. I asked her about it but she reassured me it was an injury from a fall. That quickly healed but then a few months later I noticed another bruise but this time on her leg. She told me the same thing to reassure me and that I didn't need to worry. I was so young and didn't know what was going on...if only I was older at the time, maybe I would've connected the dots."

"It wasn't until I was ten that I realized my dad would sometimes hit her in his drunken state. I was in the living room in our home when I heard my parents arguing in their bedroom. I don't recall what about but I quietly made my way to their room and peeked through the opening to see what was going on."

"That's when I stumbled on it myself; he hit her and I saw her collapse to the ground in tears. I simply froze in place when I saw it and only moved when I saw him approach the door. I hid as he made his way out of the room. After he left the room I helped my mother up and we cried together. She made me swear not to tell a soul about what I saw that night. I still remember that night vividly."

"Even at that young age I knew the situation we were in wasn't right. If what my father did was discovered, he would've been brought to justice in a heartbeat, that much was true. Looking back now, I'm sure that's why mother was so adamant about keeping that hidden. She still loved him, but that ended up being her downfall."

Hayato heard his mom's voice begin to waver. Everything she told him was new to him. To think that his vibrant mom who could rarely be seen have a bad day, dealt with such hardships as a child was hard to swallow. It was clear from his mom's change in demeanor that the next part of the story was only going to get worse.

"I'm sorry Hayato. I promised myself that whenever this day came, I'd be strong. It's been so long but this still hits me like it happened yesterday, you know?" She struggled to hold back the stream of tears as she tried to continue where she left off.

Hayato held on firmly to his mother's hands to reassure her. He wasn't sure if he had the right words to console her as she relived the pain of her childhood, but what he could do now was to simply be there for her and listen. "It's ok mom. Take your time. I'm right here with you, I'm ready to listen once you're ready to speak."

She wiped away a few tears and composed herself before continuing.

"Thanks honey, that means a lot."

"After what I witnessed that night, I avoided father however I could. I was scared of him but even more so, I was angry. Angry at him for raising his hand against the mother I cared so deeply for. I was angry at mother for not telling anyone about the situation or seeking help. And I was also angry at myself for being powerless, for not being able to come to my mother's assistance in any way."

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