Chapter 28 - Naveh

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"And here's the room we've prepared for you." Shayo said, opening a door to a spacious suite. Hayato stepped in, being warmly greeted by the motion sensor lights that came on abruptly. The entranceway allowed for a direct view of the suite, which had to have been at least three times the size of his bedroom back home.

The entryway had a small area to put one's shoes as well as a closet to his right. A flight of floating platforms, which functioned as stairs, led to the remainder of the suite which was on a lower level.

"The platforms double as a light source," Shayo added, pointing to a small interface on the opposite side of the wall from the closet. With a single touch of the interface, the platforms came to life, emitting a soft blue hue.

"Although we've made sure to supply the suite with any necessary amenities, don't hesitate to notify me if there's something you'd need that's currently missing. There are several cafes and other small restaurants around campus including the recreational hall we just came from, but feel free to buy groceries and make full use of the kitchen to cook your own meals. Now, with all of that out of the way, I'll give you some time to unwind before we meet back at the recreational hall."

This was much more than Hayato had originally expected. What was intended to be a trip meant for their growth seemed now more like a lavish vacation. Shayo barely knew the three but yet treated them as guests of honor.

"I'm honestly not sure what to say," he paused, choosing his next words carefully.

"I hope you don't take this the wrong way..." he continued. "But, this all seems a bit too much. Are you sure we're not imposing on you?"

"Not at all. I understand where your concern is coming from but, I was the one that extended an invitation to the three of you so that makes you my guests. It would be rude of me if I didn't make sure you're all well taken care of." He placed a hand on Hayato's shoulder before continuing, "Apart from that, I consider you three my brother and sisters. That gives me more than enough reason to make sure you're treated well."

"I'll gladly accept your generosity then. I'm sure I also speak for Rouge and Emilie when I say we appreciate it. Once again, thank you. I'll be down in half an hour."

Shayo nodded and excused himself, closing the door behind him.

Although their initial arrival to Jerusalem was several hours ago, so much had occurred within that time frame making it feel as if a week had elapsed since they originally had departed from Mori Forest. He made his way down the platforms to further inspect his new temporary home.

At the center of the suite was a small living room furnished with a black center table with two medium sized futons to its right and left. His eyes continued directly ahead of him, taking in the moonlit night through the sliding glass door that led to the balcony. Although the glowing platforms were a nice touch to the already sophisticated decor, the moonlight that flooded in was more than enough to illuminate the area on a clear night like this.

A small dining area and kitchen was waiting for him as he explored the area to his left. Aside from sleeping, he was sure that the majority of his time would be spent outside the suite. Afterall, there was much to explore beyond these walls. Cooking too may prove unnecessary.

Although Hayato possessed the skill thanks to his mom's diligent effort to instill a basic set of skills into him over the years, he was sure there would be several shops and restaurants Rouge and Emilie would want to pay visits to. This experience was possibly once in a lifetime whereas they could always cook for themselves later. He made his way back to the futons, setting his duffle bag near his feet. He noticed two doors at the opposite end of the room, most likely the bath and bedroom.

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