Chapter 19 - Meeting

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The room was filled to full capacity with a few members still filing in. The three hours that quickly passed was more than enough time to get the word out to the members of The Rising Dragon Movement near Newan to attend Blake's meeting if possible, although most wouldn't miss it for the world.

The air in the room was bristling with excitement as anticipation for Blake's address to the crowd grew. He inhaled deeply, allowing the surrounding energy to reinvigorate him. He thrived off of this kind of environment, craved it in fact.

The second floor meeting room was one that could hold a little over a hundred people if needed, a small number to Blake but one that would've provoked the average person who feared public speaking.

He stood boldy at the front of the room, scanning the crowd before him from left to right, not too quickly so in order to make eye contact with as many people as possible, but not too slowly in order to avoid provoking anyone. As the last person took to their seat, the crowd awaited his message with bated breath. It wasn't often for Blake to call everyone in for what appeared to be an important meeting.

The office had only been in operation for the better part of six months and large meetings were nonexistent. Anything of great importance was simply communicated to leaders who then filtered the information down to their respective teams as necessary. However, for the head of the Newan branch - Blake - to invite them personally was a privilege that may only come once.

Blake's charming smile gently greeted the crowd in front of him to ensure everyone was comfortable. Everything he did was calculated to perfection, his actions, his demeanor, even his attire - forgoing his previously worn suit jacket and instead rolled up his sleeves in an attempt to communicate approachability - all to elicit the perfect response. It needed to be for the type of message he was prepared to deliver. To command a crowd of this size was simply child's play to Blake.

Julie shut the double doors to the meeting room and took her place in the front row, directly in front of Blake. She nearly melted in her seated position when he made eye contact with her. Everything about him - to Julie - was perfect.

Blake cleared his throat and changed his gaze to one of determination, a queue to the crowd to fully settle in and quiet down. For a few seconds the room was eerily silent. Julie could even hear her own heartbeat.

Without further delay, he opened his mouth and started, "Hello everyone. I'm overjoyed to see your beaming faces this afternoon. I must first ask for your apology for interrupting your daily affairs, but I believe you'll excuse me this once", Blake said, eliciting quiet laughter from the crowd.

"I've gathered you all here today to first thank you for your dedication to the cause. I'm sure speculation abounds as to what purpose this meeting will serve so I seek your full attention for this occasion."

"Sometime last week I invited two individuals to come meet me in my office today. They were originally antagonistic to the cause and the mission we stand for, but out of kindness I wanted them to come and see for themselves the fruit of our labor in hopes of using that to persuade them to our side. In fact, it's for that reason alone many of you have joined our ranks."

Blake paused and turned his gaze away from the crowd, feigning an air of regret. Julie could see the slight uncertainty that now clouded his emotions, something she's never seen from such a capable leader. What could have gotten him in such a state she thought. Afterall his pain was their pain. His joy and achievements were their joy and achievements. They were in this together - like a family.

Blake once again centered his attention on the crowd in front of him and continued, "However...I am ashamed to say, they took my kindness for granted," Blake added. The crowd became unsettled at their boss' revelation, eliciting hushed whispers throughout the crowd.

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