Important Update

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Hello everyone. Thank you for your interest in checking out this story. I want to let those of you who have been following this story for sometime know that I will be making some significant updates to this current work. Why will I be doing that?

Recently I've felt something missing with the "tone" or overall "feel" of my story. For sometime now it's felt more like a story following a few teenagers, but I have a growing desire to make it focus on young adults. To make this into a more mature story. What I mean by mature is to just have it center around adults.

To that end, I will be reworking some aspects of the story to attain that new vision. What does this mean for those of you who have probably caught up to the latest chapter or are currently reading it? No worries, the story will retain the same exact plot and characters. The only thing I will be doing is portray the main characters in a more adult light and by doing so, will also flush out more of their lives with greater detail. This means I will also be adding more details new content.

While I do this, I will keep this book as is for people to continue reading. Once I've gone through the story, making all the updates I want, then I will come back to update all of these chapters.

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