Prologue - Dream

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I closed my eyes and was taken to another world. The moon was darkened by what appeared to be smoke or ash.

"Where am I?"

I saw a well guarded building on the outskirts of a demolished city a few miles away from the ocean. The surrounding landscape was blanketed by charred vegetation.

"Both the grass and trees were burned, but by what?"

The building itself has sustained significant damage. Outside of the building was a long line of people waiting for something. They look tired and disgruntled.

" me...anyone...I've had no food or water for days and my daughter's sick. Please!"

I hear a desperate plea for help from a weary father. He staggered towards a man in uniform standing at the front of the long line. He was guarding the building with several others. Those in the crowd voiced their complaints at the man's actions.

"We've been here for hours!"

"Get into the line like everyone else!"

"Hey! No cutting!"

The guard motioned towards the line.

"You heard the people. Back of the line old man!"

He approached the guard with tears streaming down his face. The guard grabs his hand and moved a small handheld device over it as he inspected it for something. He then moved it over his forehead.

He took a look at the device, frowning. "Negative. Where have you been old man? You should know we only give food to those with-"

Sirens began blaring close by.

"-so either get one or get out of here!"

He shoved the pleading man away from the line. The commotion caught the attention of the other nearby guards.

Down the street, I saw groups of chained people being rounded up into a large bus.

"Where are they being taken to?"

"But my daughter is dying...please sir..."

"Get away from me old man! I'll give you something to cry about!"

He kicked the man down, forcibly holding him in place with his foot on his chest, and pointed a long black object to his forehead. "I've never seen that object before."

The man struggled to free himself but to no avail. "Ugh...! Lord, have mercy on your child."

"Oh? Looks like today's my lucky day." Suddenly, I saw a tall dark figure, with eyes burning like flames, and bearing a warped smile appear behind the guard. No one else took notice. It leaned over and whispered into the guard's ear, but I can't make out the words with the blaring of sirens in the background. The figure turned into a dark mist that enveloped the guard and faded away.

The guard began to slowly move his finger as a sadistic smile wrapped around his face. The pupils and whites of his eyes also changed to pure black. I could tell he was no longer himself.

"The world doesn't need your kind anymore. Let's see if your God will save you from this!"

Within seconds, loud, rattling echoes were heard from the object. The man he pointed it to, now lifeless. Blood is everywhere. The lines of people scattered as they witnessed the horrific event unfold.

More men and women in uniforms arrived and quickly took the body away. "One of you file a report on this bounty and search the area for his daughter!" The guard barked out orders as he wiped blood from his uniform. "That kill, plus his daughter is sure to get me promoted!" he said with a sinister grin.

"Yes sir! Right away sir!"

"What kind of world is this? Everywhere I look is death, despair, violence, and bloodshed."

The volume of the sirens increased as more can be heard in the distance.

In the midst of the chaos, I heard the sound of a trumpet and saw the dark veil of smoke or ash that was blocking out the moon, part and dissipate.

"Quick, we gotta get underground! Something's happening!" The uniformed group retreated into the building.

"Why are they running?"

I soon realized what they were running from. Night turned to day revealing in the distance what seemed to be a mountain burning like a torch streak through the sky and made its way towards the open sea.

In a matter of minutes it grew dark again, but I soon heard a resounding boom and saw my surroundings affected by the aftershocks, then stillness.

In the distance...I can see it. A tower of crimson waves resembling glistening blood rushed towards the land. As the waves encroached upon the coastline, it consumed everything in its path: boats, large ships, buildings...and people as it grows to a frightening height, blocking out the moon from my view.

Fear gripped my heart as I witnessed the cataclysmic scene unfold. Where the building used to be was now entirely submerged under the crimson waves as the sea extended several miles inland also taking the ruined city with it. Nothing was left.

"How much more of this must I witness?"

Afterwards, I heard a proclamation from on high, and to my dismay, discover that worse is yet to come, "Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound!"

I closed my eyes and was taken to another world. A world unlike my own. A world that only knew violence, disease, murder, strife and every evil and abominable act under the sun. A world that was judged for its lawless deeds.

Eventually, I opened my eyes, into a new world.


Author's note: Thank you for taking the time to give this story a read. If you enjoyed this chapter, please give it a like and comment. I enjoy the engagement and any feedback you may have. With that, on to the next chapter!

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