Chapter 27 - Juno

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"Nearly done," Juno said, as he placed an empty bin on what served as his desk for the better part of twenty years. He glanced around his spacious office, scanning the room to confirm his current progress - the office was nearly empty. He'd already used the majority of his day to clear off the three rows of dark wood shelves that hung on opposite ends of the room.

They had previously held his personal belongings which were now packed into a series of large blue bins he stowed away in his car earlier in the day. Even his desk that ordinarily had papers of every sort scattered upon it were cleared off, revealing the face of a surface he hadn't seen since his first move into the office.

Several months ago, to his coworkers' astonishment, he told them he would be resigning from his role as Director of Historical Affairs. For nearly two decades he led the small team of four which quickly became his second family.

Juno, being well versed in the history of the world, the current age, as well as having an understanding as to what the future would hold knew that the world was undergoing various changes. It wasn't well evident months ago, but with recent events involving Hayato and Grace, it was clear to him now that he had made the right decision by trusting his foresight.

As much as he loved his career, it kept him away from home often, sometimes, for several months. Although in the past that wasn't a major issue it was well evident to him now that things could not remain the same.

To continue down the same path would only mean trouble for his family and this was at a time Hayato and Grace would need him most.

He walked over to the shelves on his left, stopping several inches away to take in the newfound emptiness that met his gaze. Similarly to his desk, the shelves not only held papers, trinkets, folders, and whatever else he managed to toss their way, they ultimately encapsulated the memories he made at work.

He moved his hand to pick up the nearest object closest to him - his digital photo album. A smile crept across his face as a picture of Hayato at the tender age of ten appeared on the small screen. Hayato's beaming smile was a reaction to the large beetle he held triumphantly in his hand, something Grace simply could not stand the sight of.

The picture was from nearly fifty years ago but he still remembered the moment as if it were yesterday. They had visited a nature reserve and Hayato was drawn to any insect he happened upon. Although he later outgrew what he now deemed to have been a childish wonder for insects, his love for nature and wildlife remained intact even as he matured.

The image faded away and was soon replaced by a picture of grace in her early forties. Despite the picture being taken over a century ago, he couldn't help but think to himself that she was still as beautiful today as she was then. He remembered that he had wanted to commemorate their first date by having someone take a picture of them together, but instead opted for the moment when she simply knelt down under the shade of a large oak tree, leaning slightly against it as she fixed her dark caramel colored hair into a ponytail and proceeded to unpack the lunch she made for the both of them to enjoy.

Despite the various elements that contributed to the picture perfect moment, what caught his attention the most wasn't the cream colored hat she laid by her side which served as a great contrast to the shade of her hair, nor was it her casual but vibrant dress she wore that complimented her gentle nature.

For Juno, that moment didn't just capture her outward beauty, but was a moment in time which artfully reflected the soul of the woman he later fell in love with. As he gazed at her through the lens of his camera that day, there was no doubt in his mind that she was the woman he wanted to spend the rest of his life with.

After a few minutes spent cycling through a series of family portraits, he turned off the photo album and carefully placed it into the bin. He gathered the few remaining folders and files left on the shelf and placed them in also, bringing his cleanup work to a finale. He took another scan of his now empty office, letting out a sigh as he picked up the bin.

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