Alarm Clock

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While we are walking home, James saw a good place for star sighting. So we decided to stop for a while. 

 "Hey, would you mind hanging out tomorrow? I have some practices and I'm looking forward if you'll be there." not tomorrow.

"Yes. I mean no. But I can't. Maybe next time." I'm trying my best so it won't be obvious.

"Why? Do you have some appointments or any occasions?" he shouldn't know about it.

"Nothing!" Oops, did I say it out loud?

"Chill dude" he patted my back, looking at me.

"I mean, I have to fix my things tomorrow and I'm gonna help Grandma, so I really can't. That's why." I smiled at him and he looked back like he knew I am lying.  Not this time Anderson.

"Okay. Maybe next time." we started walking on our way home. 

It was a little bit of silence and a little bit awkward walking with him. Should I tell him. No, you shouldn't Channel. When we arrived, I decided to face him and give him a smile.

"Thanks for walking me home." I sighed. 

"Not a problem dude. You sure you won't be with me tomorrow?" here we go again. He suddenly gaze on my direction. 

"Hmm, I'm sure." sorry dude, I don't usually lie but he shouldn't know. He is still looking at me. Giving me that look like he is still giving me a chance to think twice.

"Oh oh, don'y give me that look Anderson. My decision is final. Maybe some other time. Look, I really need to go, you should go too. It's too late." I started pushing him away.

"You are pushing me away again Lancaster." I stopped pushing him. Those words hit me again. 

"I'm not. I'm just thinking it's really getting late and you might get into trouble if you won't be going." I try to sound convincing.

"Okay" he started walking away and I was about to get inside when I heard what him whisper, "I'll see you tomorrow Chanel." I hurriedly look back but he was out of nowhere. What does he mean? See me tomorrow? I told him I can't.

"You're late. Where have you've been?" I knew it.

"I was with James, we just stopped by to see stars." I went upstairs.

"Is that all? Does watching stars will take long period of time?." I don't know when it will end this time. But I know where it is going

"Fine, I got detention slip." I tell her straight away.

"I knew it. You should've told me straight away. You should be taking care of your studying Chanel." I cut her off. If she knew it? Why bother ask?

"I know grandma. It was my first time and it will be the last. Can I got to sleep now?" I sighed. 

"By the way, what would you want tomorrow? I can cook or we can also go to mall and-"

"Just don't wake me up" I cut her off again. It is just my god damn birthday. Nothing more.

"What?" she sounds confuse. She was really dense.

"I don't ask for anything grandma, just don't wake me up. It will be enough for me." I smiled and went to my room.

I really want to sleep but I just can't close my eyes. His words are still bothering me. "I'll see you tomorrow Lancaster." You are just over thinking again Chanel. Just forget it. 


I woke up late this morning.

"Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday darling." my father greeted me bringing the chocolate cake for me.

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