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For good this time.


The rest of the sins once again entered the room, knocking lightly to not scare the two boys embracing one another.

"Pri- I mean Jungkook?" Namjoon asks concerned, still getting use to using the boys real name- as were all of them.

Jungkook just hums in response, nodding softly. But his eyes never once left Taehyung's.

"Jungkook I'm sorry to spring this on your right after your exorcism or whatever it was but we have some big problems to deal with." Yoongi says dryly. Hoseok turns to glare at him and chastise the shorter for his lack of sympathy. Jin half heartedly mumbles the words 'identity disorder' to try and correct Yoongi and no one hears.

Jungkooks expression hardens and he pushes himself upright in this bed, pulling the sheets back gingerly as Taehyung helps him swing his legs over the edge of the mattress.

"What is it?" He questions Yoongi, focused on his words.

"Like Namjoon said before, the rioting is getting worse, Jin told me about how you asked him to help Tae's sister and how you also had heaving rations of food handed to the public; but unfortunately they don't trust us anymore." Yoongi says, his eyes lidded with irritation.

Jungkook opens his mouth to speak but the sin doesn't let him.

"Don't apologize I get it you were yourself blah blah... what's done is done, what we need to do is figure out how to repair what you destroyed before everything we've built crashes and burns do you understand?" Yoongis tone is harsh but not accusatory, he truly does understand that the younger had no real control of the situation, but that doesn't sate his frustration.

Jungkook takes a long breath in as he processes the older's words carefully. "We should appear before the public, make a formal apology, no not apology, a formal declaration of peace in the kingdom. Tell them we should be a team not foes."

"It's worth a try." Hoseok smiles forcefully, trying to ease the tension in the small room.

"Yeah it's worth a try but I'm afraid the people might want to dethrone you Jungkook." Namjoon explains.

"Then we'll tell them about his DID!" Taehyung exclaims, not wanting anything else bad to happen to Jungkook.

"It's a good idea, the whole kingdom already knows that something happened to Jungkook because of the flurry of medical equipment and doctors that came. If we explained it to them, not passing it as an excuse but a reason for forgiveness, it might begin to win them over." Jin says analytically, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

"If that doesn't work we can always threaten them." Jimin speaks up, quietly but completely seriously.

Taehyung sends him a pointed look and the shorter ducks his head and mumbles a small "just kidding."

"No I think you're right Jin, we'll tell them about my disorder, we'll apologize, and I'll step down as head Sin." Jungkook finalizes.

The rest of the boys turn to look at him with shock. "Step down as head Sin?!" Hoseok cries in surprise.

"Obviously I wouldn't give up being a sin, that's out of the question. But the public hearing that I won't be the quote-on-quote leader anymore will ease their minds enough to stay calm."

The End |tk| ✔︎Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora