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Taehyung was the one breaking Jungkook.

Jungkook stepped out of the shower, heavy steps guiding him to his towel rack.

He needed an icy cold shower to clear his thoughts, and to try and organize his feelings.

How was he going to deal with this?

These feelings about the blonde boy, how could he deal with them when he's not even sure what he's feeling?

He just knows there's something strange that the shorter does to him, he makes him hesitate and rethink his actions.

And if there's something Jungkook learned early on, it's to never let anyone inside your head.

...Too late.


In another room Taehyung lay on his bed, arms folded over his chest as he also contemplated his thoughts.

He's always been a protector.

Protecting his sister, himself, other children with families like his own.

He felt it was his duty to keep people safe from others.

But now a novel challenge had presented itself and captured Taehyung's full attention.

Protecting someone from themselves.

The blonde fiddled with his medical-tape-wrapped finger that Yoongi had quietly bandaged without questioning how he got it. Hoseok had sat on the other side of the boy, chiding him and nagging him to limit his interaction with Pride.

They all knew how.

He sensed it from the moment he drew closer to the Sin

The same intense, internal pain Taehyung had dealt with his entire life.

The feeling of never being good enough, never measuring up to someone else's standards.

The feeling of being a pawn in someone else's perfect game.

And he felt as if it was now his responsibility to save the man from himself.

Taehyung opens his eyes and heaves his tanned figure off the bed, quickly grabbing his slides and heading out the door of his room.

After Jungkook dries off completely he walks to his dresser.

He grabs a light grey sweater and matching sweatpants, the comfy clothes he only wears when he's alone.

Alone, the singular time Jungkook can forget about everything and just, relax.

He lets his head hit the pillows, sinking into the soft comforter before leaning into his side, arm stretching over to turn on the small golden lamp on his side table, grabbing the green, leather-bound book afterwards.

He opens the old, worn book, preparing to reread it for the nTh time.

The golden, calligraphic letter on the front read "Beauty and the Beast".

He feels a sense of relatability with the book. The book he's been reading for years and years on end.

Because sometimes...

He feels like a monster, a beast.

And sometimes he wishes...

Something, some beauty would take his pain away.

But this story was just that, a story. An imaginative escape for the young Jungkook to delve into.

An escape from the world he group up in, and an escape from the man he had become. The man he had to be.

So maybe that is why Taehyung scared the boy so much. Because Taehyung was an escape of some sort, a beauty that had appeared suddenly in Jungkooks life.

It scared him because this dream of his wasn't supposed to actually exist in his world, and now his imagination could possibly become a reality. And he didn't know how to handle that.

He rested the open book on his chest, not quite feeling up to traveling into his daydreams as he has before.

He signs audibly and closes his eyes, hoping to rest for just a moment, frozen in time where his thoughts couldn't reach.


Taehyung takes long strides down the gilded hallways, floors lined with an impossible number of embroidered designs and patterns, each telling their own little story. Tae could stare at the carpet alone for hours but decided that might seem weeks to any bystanders.

He shakes his head, laughing at his own thoughts softly, dirty blonde hair fluffy gently across his eyes.

His steps grow faster as he practically jogs in the direction of the head Sin's room, only known to him because he practically cornered a poor maid until she gave up the location of Pride.

A boxy smile took form on Taehyung's face as he moved, anticipation of a new challenge growing in his chest slowly being relaxed with the excitement of helping someone.

He glanced quickly down at his poor, bandaged hand, doubt slipping its way into the emotional mixing pot.

He knows it'll be challenging, that is why they call it a challenge. But his heart is steady, and he's not afraid of what he might face trying to break down the ravenette's walls.

He smile stretches across his whole face, eyes crinkling in the corners while the light of the chandelier glimmers beautifully in his pupils.

He breaks into a full sprint, turning sharply and running straight towards the massive black door which he can only assume guards Pride's chambers.


"Jungkook you can't let anyone get to you."


"Oh I'm gonna get to him so bad."



Sorry this is a bit late.

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I purple you all💜

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