Chapter Twenty-Four Dani's POV

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The past few weeks had been.. difficult at best. Drake had been helping me study my butt off for the exams and the work I had missed. It was good to have a friend like Drake, he was kind and funny. Although Sam still wasn't exactly happy to see me with him, she made an effort to be nice. Once I had finished all my exams for the term, I was happy to be back at home for Christmas break. The first day I had arrived back, Drake visited and stayed for dinner. It was kinda interesting watching my parents. They knew that I had been going out with Hayden, and they knew we were taking a bit of a break for him to get his memory back.
"Are you and this boy dating?" my mum had asked me once Drake had left. I had laughed as I said that we were just good friends, and anyway I didn't think about him that way at least not anymore. I was kinda scared to find out my results, they said that they were sending them out soon.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I yearn as I open my eyes slowly, blinking. I was still wrapped up in the blanket, and a hand was also around me. I smile as I glance up at Hayden. It wasn't a dream, he really did come last night, he did remember me, us. I watch him as his eyes slowly flutter open, his green eyes locking onto mine.
"Morning," he says huskily, guys and their hot morning voice. Gotta love it.
"Morning," I say back, he kisses my cheek as he unwraps his arm from around me.
"Wait, aren't your parents home?" he asks me looking around the room. It was funny, like he was waiting for my dad to jump out of nowhere and point a shotgun at him. Although my dad did own a shotgun, he didn't use it on people. At least, I sure hope not. I giggle as I fold the blanket back up and lay it over the couch.
"They attended a party last night with friends, they probably stayed there the night," I tell him as I walk into the kitchen.
"Alright then," he says, he scratches his head in thought for a few seconds. "Is it alright if I take a quick shower?" he asks me. I nod my head, going to one of the cardboards and getting a towel for him.
"There you are, remember it's the first on the.." I tell him, handing him the towel.
"Left, I know," he replies laughing as he walks upstairs. I shake my head laughing quietly. Hmm, I'm kinda hungry. I wonder into the kitchen and see what I can find. Now you must know I'm not that great of a cook, but I can do the basics. Sort of.
"Hmm let's see here," I say opening cardboard one. I find a can of beans. Cardboard two, I find a box of biscuits. Ok beans and biscuits so far. Cardboard three contains two packets of 2 minute noodles, chicken flavored.
"Finally, something yummy," I say grabbing the two packets and putting them on the bench. I turn the jug on, and then search for two bowls and spoons, forks. I could hear the shower running now. Click! I walk over and pour the hot water into the little jugs which had the noodles in it and zap it in the microwave. I wait patiently for the timer to go off, after four minutes, both bowls were on the bench cooling down.
"Smells like 2 minute noodles in here," states Hayden laughing. I shrug my shoulders, grinning at him.
"I hope you like them," I say innocently, Hayden pulls me in for a hug and a quick kiss before sitting down.
"I love them, but not as much as I love you," he says blowing the spoon before putting it in his mouth. I smile as I do the same.
"Aww," I say, he grins over at me.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"So you have me most of the day, any plans you had in mind," Hayden's asks me. We were currently watching some t.v show, after we had washed away our dishes.
"There was this one plan.." I say smiling, looking at the window, it was still snowing lightly.
"Let me guess.. It has to do with snow," he says laughing as he tickles me. I start laughing and try to get away from him. He pulls me into him tightly wrapping his arms around me so I don't escape.
"But you've had a cold, and I don't want you getting sick again," he says a little concerned. I smile up at him.
"But but but please," I say making my best puppy dog eyes. Hayden's green eyes sparkles as he finally nods his head.
"But you have to wear something warmer then your pajamas," he states. I look down, noticing that I was still in my pajamas, my hairs probably a mess too.
"I'll be right back," I tell him quickly running upstairs.
"I'll be here waiting," he calls laughing.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
"Ok so is this better?" I ask him running into the room and twirling around. I had found a pair of long black leggings, a grey warm, cozy sweater, oh and my ugg boots.
"You look so cute," he says as he puts my grey and white beanie on my head, it had little white pom-poms on the side. I blush at the compliment, I couldn't help it.
"Now can we please go outside," I say tugging his hand. He laughs as he grabs his beanie and let's me drag him outside. Wow, the backyard had been turned into a winter wonderland overnight. The trees were covered in snow, the shed was snow covered. The bench at the far corner was also covered in soft whiteness. You could still hear the birds 'tweeting' in the background and I spy a red/orange and black little bird sitting in the tree. I'm pretty sure they're called a northern cardinal, that's what I think it is. Snow was still falling around us softly, the ground was covered in the most softest snow I've ever seen.
"Snow angels!" I cry as I drop to the ground and start moving my arms and legs. Hayden laughs as he lays down close beside me and does the same. Hayden gets up first, leaning down to help me up. I smile as I take his hand and stand up, looking at our snow angels.
"Hey look," I say pointing at our angels. "They're holding each other's wing," I say giggling. Hayden laughs as he looks down to indeed see that two of our angel wings were touching.
"Hey look over there Dani, did you see that?" asks Hayden suddenly pointing behind me. I turn around to try and spot whatever it was, but all I saw was the snow covered shed.
"What was it Hay... Ah!" I cry as I'm suddenly picked up and thrown onto someone's back. I quickly wrap my arms loosely around Hayden's neck, as he starts to walk and laugh. "That wasn't funny," I tell him. But I smile, looking around us. I could see some bunnies watching us by one of the trees, and I waved at my neighbor Mrs Smith.
"Well hello there Dani," she says coming up to the fence. I direct Hayden over laughing quietly.
"Hello Mrs Smith, how are you?" I ask her smiling.
"I've been pretty good thank you, the baby should be here soon," she answers placing her hand on her stomach.
"How's Summer?" Hayden asks her. Just then we see a little girl with blonde piggy-tails and in a big pink jumper come running up to the fence.
"Dani, Hayden. Hi!" Summer says smiling up at us, her front tooth was missing. Summer was a cute little five year old, she was sweet and very adorable.
"Mummy, can you please pick me up?" she asks Mrs Smith, she points to us. "Just like Hayden and Dani," she adds.
"Summer darling, come on my back," Mr Smith calls from the back door. I smile at my neighbors, they've been such a nice family ever since I've know them which is forever. They used to baby sit me when I was younger, they were like another family to me. Summer giggles as she runs to her father, climbing onto his back.
"What are you guys up to today?" asks Mr Smith as he balances his daughter on his back. I glance down at Hayden, waiting for him to answer.
"We're spending the day with the snow, and then I have to head back to college for my big game on Christmas Eve," Hayden said.
"Christmas Eve? Isn't that a bit late in the year for a game?" asks Mrs Smith worriedly.
"It was meant to be the start of next year but it was pushed forward this year," Hayden answers her questions.
"Oh well.." she glances at her husband and child. "We'd love to come and cheer you on," she says smiling, her husband nods.
"Oh yes yes yes, I've been practicing my cheering Hayden," says a smiling Summer. I notice Hayden stiffen a little when she said they'd love to come. I place my hand on his shoulder, to calm him.
"Oh yeah, that'd be lovely guys but you don't have to come all the way out there and then all the way back here for Christmas," he tells them. Mr and Mrs Smith shares a quick look before they both nod their heads.
"We'll come and cheer you on," Mr Smith said as he puts Summer back on the ground.
"That'll be wonderful," I tell them, smiling.
"Well we better go back inside and prepare lunch honey," Mrs Smith says taking Summer's hand. We all say our goodbyes before they walk back inside their home.
"What's wrong Hayden?" I ask him quietly as he puts me down softly.
"Nothing's wrong babe," he says kissing my nose.
"But something is, you stiffened earlier when Mrs Smith was saying they'll come and cheer you on," I tell him, jabbing my finger in his stomach. Hayden holds my finger, and hand, softly covering it with his hand.
"I was just surprised that they wanted to come. There's nothing to worry about firefly," he tells me softly, placing a kiss on the top of my hand. I lean into him, he moves his arms so that they're around my stomach, and he places his head on top of mine. We stay quiet for a few moments, just happy to be with each other, the snow falling around us.
"I wish this could last forever," I say softly, leaning my head back and looking up at him. Savoring the moment.
"I don't wish it Dani," he says quietly. "I know this is going to last forever," he says smiling down at me. "It's going to be me and you forever firefly, that's if you want it to be?" Hayden asks me quietly. I smile, and I mean like a huge smile was plastered on my face not just a smile, the smile.
"I'd love that Hayden," I tell him truthfully, resting my head back against him.
"Me too," he says softly, hugging me tightly.
"KIDS!" we look up to see Mrs Smith again, waving at us, we wave back. "I'm sorry to bother you's but I just wanted to ask when the match was tomorrow and what time were you planning on heading back?" she asks Hayden.
"The match starts at ten and should finish around twelve, twelve-thirty tomorrow. Which leaves plenty of time to have lunch and get back on the road. I was planning on going back around one-ish," Hayden answers her. Mrs Smith laughs quietly into her hands.
"Well it's two o'clock honey," she says smiling. Hayden let's go of me and checks his phone, his eyes widen. "Well I'll let you two go, I'll see you's tomorrow and good luck if we don't find you before the match," she says before walking back up the path.
"Well I should probably get back on the road," Hayden says, I can hear the sadness in his tone. I walk up to him and cuddle into him.
"I'm going to miss you heaps," Hayden whispers in my ear. Holding me tight.
"I'll miss you too but I'll be there tomorrow," I remind him. He looks down at me in surprise.
"But what about lessons, and the long drive. I don't want you..." I put my hand over his mouth, giggling quietly to myself.
"I wouldn't miss it for the world," I say removing my hand from his mouth and kissing him instead.
"I love you," he says against my lips, I smile.
"I love you too Hayden," I say softly. I pull back and he pouts at me. I laugh as I point to his car. "You better start driving or you'll never make it back," I tell him.
"Do I have to?" he complains loudly, crossing his arms. I laugh as I nod my head.
"I'm afraid you do babe," I say giving him one last peck on the cheeks before pushing him towards the car. "I'll see you tomorrow," I promise him.
"I'll call tonight," he says as he slowly gets into his car. I smile as I watch him start the car, he wides down his window and pokes his head out.
"Love you firefly," he yells out, I laugh as I tell him I love him too. I know he's about to say something else but I stop him.
"Goodbye Hayden," I say waving, he shakes his head but drives out of the driveway. I walk to the mail box, watching as he waves one last, a honk of the car and then he was gone, down the drive. I stand there still, even when I don't see him anymore, I still find myself looking that way.
"You really love that boy don't you," a voice says beside me. I nod my head, turning to face Mrs Smith. The Smiths all had blonde hair, Mrs Smith has blue eyes and Mr Smith has golden brown. They've always told me to call them Sam and Lily, but I've always called them Mr and Mrs Smith. They were both in their mid thirties, best neighbors ever.
"We've sure had our fair share of ups and down but I've always loved him, I still love him," I say quietly. "I can't explain the feeling I feel when he's around me, I just my heart stops and I'm on cloud nine. When he holds me, I feel safe and nothing could ever harm me," I tell her smiling. She smiles as she listens to me, smiling and nodding.
"Promise me something," she says once I had stopped talking. I nod my head, waiting for her to say what it was.
"You're inviting me and my husband, Summer and this little one," she says rubbing her large stomach. "To your wedding and I want to see your child or children. Yes you'll be visiting us all the time and I'll baby-sit for you's," she says happily. I laugh.
"I don't think that'll happen for quite a while Mrs Smith," I say but I'm smiling.
"I wouldn't be so sure sweetie," she says grinning at me. "I think it'll happen sooner then you think," she says winking at me.
* * *
Hey guys! I have an announcement, sadly this story will come to an end really soon =( Two more chapters left, this is the end... What will happen at the game? What will happen between Hayden, Dani and Drake? but one good thing is that there IS going to be an epilogue at the end. So three more days left of Football Love, the epilogue will be up Christmas Day, or Christmas Day for some of you's =] I hope you guys have enjoyed this story so far, and again thanks so much for voting and commenting, even picking up the book and giving it a chance =) I'll see you guys tomorrow with another chapter =P
~ My heart is and always will be yours. 💗 ~
Amy xxx
P.S since this story is coming to an end, I'd like to ask you's, who's story you'd like next?

• Happy Go-Lucky Annabelle
{ Annabelle & Jordan }
• Little Miss Nerdy and Matt
{ Maggie & Matt }

Or a story that's not in this series at all. Examples;

• The Girl In The Heart Sunglasses
• Back To December
• Butterfly In The Tears
• Summer Loving

So comment on what story you'd like next 😄

P.S.S Also I've had ALOT! of people ask me when I'll be starting Player Vs. Player. The answer is that I'll be starting it probably a little bit after Christmas, so you'll just have to wait a little tiny bit longer guys, sorry! 😊

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