Chapter Eighteen

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I had locked myself in my room for the past three days. I didn't go out and no one came in. Simple as that. I was hungry, thirsty, but I didn't care. I couldn't risk going down there and running into my parents or my siblings, oh Felix. Bud I'm so so sorry. I sit up when I hear two knocks on my door, I glance at the clock, 10:35am.
"Honey, you need to come out and have something to eat," I hear my mum say. Again. She's been doing this everyday, trying to get me to come out but I don't.
"Hayden," she tries again. "I've made your favourite," she adds and I could smell the delicious bacon and eggs. My stomach rumbles loudly but I just close my eyes, trying to block it out.
"I'm not hungry," I yell out to her. I cough, and my headache starts to come back.
"He's not coming out..." I could just hear my mum say to someone.
"Oh I'll get him out..." another voice pops up angrily. Who was talking, but I was to tired to try and figure out who it was. I lay back down on my bed, close my eyes. My headache was killing me, it hurt. I hear someone bang on my door loudly.
"Hayden Daniel Rose... you get your butt out here right this minute..." I hear someone yell at me through the door. "I missed classes to come and see you, and that's pretty bad. But I don't care.. I need you to open this damn door right now Hayden..." the voice continues to yell at me. I close my eyes again and fell into darkness, letting my headache win.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
I wake up with a start, I'm drenched in sweat, I feel sick, hot and awful. I tried to push the bed cover and sheets off me, I got dizzy and sat back down.
"Hayden..." says the softest voice I've ever heard. It was female, soft, quiet, but it also hinted with sadness and guilt. "I really need you to wake up, I need you to come back baby. I miss you so much and I'm scared..." the voice continues quietly. I could hear the voice cracking and soft quiet tears.
"Dani?" I try and say but my voice is rough, I haven't spoken in ages, no fresh liquid had been in my mouth. "Danielle?" I say again, trying to make my voice heard.
"Hayden," I hear the voice say again, I hear movement on the other side of the door. "Come to me baby." I need her, she can help me get better. I push myself to get up, the dizziness comes back but still I get up and hold onto my bed. I take slow steps towards the door, my headache was worse, I was starting to shake.
"Baby?" I hear her say again and I keep moving forwards. My vision starts to go blurry, I didn't feel good. I finally make it to the door, and I slip falling down right under the door.
"Hayden? What happened? Are you ok?" I hear her ask frenetically. I couldn't speak, my throat hurt, my head, my body. Everything. "Damn it Hayden, open this door right now," she yells. I look up at the door handle above me, I reach up and touch it. My vision was pretty bad now, I could hardly see things. Just as my vision goes completely black, I give the handle my best yank and collapsed, going into darkness.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Beep. Beep. Beep.
I never liked beeping noises, they reminded me of hospitals, you on a bed, living but slowly dying. When you didn't hear the beeping, you were dead but there it was, the beeping. My beeping. I was alive. I try and move my arm or head, but I was stiff. I try and move my fingers, and to my surprise I felt them move. Using my hand, I felt around me, I was in a bed. There was a table beside me and.. oh no. I hear something hit the floor, I had knocked something over.
"What? what's.. going on?" I hear a confused and tired voice beside me or close by, maybe in a chair beside the bed or something. I feel someone take my hand, their hands small and I could cover it by my hand, I do just that.
"Oh my god, Hayden you're awake," I hear the person cry out happily.
"Mr and Mrs Rose, he.. his hand," they shout again. My parents. Another voice comes into the conversation.
"Hayden, if you can hear me, open your eyes please," someone asks. I squeeze my eyes tightly and then open them, everything was fuzzy. "You're alright son," I hear a deep voice on my left. I turn my head to see my father and mother behind him, they were smiling down at me. I look to my right to see a beautiful dark haired girl, holding my hand and smiling down at me. Who was she? what was her name? how does she know me? she's gorgeous.
"Hi," I try and say but my throat hurts and my mum gives me a drink. Thankful, I take a few sips before repeating myself to her.
"Hi," I say again, the girl smiles.
"Hey you," she says shyly, squeezing my hand tightly. "I'm glad you're alright, I missed you so much. I was afraid you weren't going to wake up and..." I stop her.
"You missed me?" I question her, she frowns slightly but nods her head.
"Of course I missed you Hayden," she says looking at me a little funny. How did she know my name? Why did she miss me? I didn't know her, do I?
"Do I know you from somewhere?" I ask her frowning, she did seem familiar but I couldn't place it. The girls brown eyes widen and she let's go of my hand, and slowly backs away.
"Hayden, this isn't funny," she says glaring at me.
"I'm not trying to be funny," I tell her. "I really don't remember you but you do look familiar from somewhere.." I trail off trying to think. But all I can remember is me waking up, nothing before, just school things, family, the game and my deal but not this gorgeous chick.
"You don't remember me?" she echoes quietly and she sounds hurt.
"I'm sorry but I really don't," I say. Both of my parents are now both staring at me funny. The girl shakes her head softly, and I could see tears running down her face. She glances at me one last time before she turns and runs out the door, I watch her go confused.
"Dani, wait darling," my mother cries glancing at me then at the door.
"Go," my father says and my mum chases after the girl. I turn to face my father who was running his face, he takes a seat and looks at me. First it's quiet, like real quiet, no one speaks. I hear someone cough and I glance at the door to see Felix, Destiny behind him. Both were kinda glaring at me, but what had I done? I'm so confused right now.
"How could you Hayden?" yells Destiny angrily, my eyes widen in shock of her outburst.
"Yeah, this isn't a funny joke Hayden," Felix adds also glaring at me. I turn to my father who gives my siblings a look to quiet them. They both glare at me before leaving the room.
"Ok I'm really confused right now dad," I tell him, putting my hands to my head. "Why are my siblings mad at me? Why am I here? and who was that girl!" I ask him, waiting for answers. My dad takes a deep breathe, before answering me.
"That girl.." he starts quietly, I raise an eyebrow waiting for him to continue. "Is your girlfriend Danielle White."
* * *
Oh my gosh, things are changing quickly aren't they guys. I'm sorry this is a pretty short chapter...again. But I kinda needed to have this chapter put in, I'm sorry please don't hate me. What you guys think of the chapter, well let me know in the comments :) big shocker at the end isn't it, Hayden wakes up and remembers everyone but his girlfriend :o What do you think is going to happen now? well I think it's best if you stay tune, to find out what happens next, I'll be updating again probably tomorrow hopefully =]
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~ You were given this life, because you're strong enough to live it 🌅 ~
Amy xxx
P.S COMMENT FOR WHO YOU WANT A POV'S ON. It could be SAM, DAMIAN, DRAKE or ANYONE else who's in the story. So please comment your pick 😊

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