Chapter Nine

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"Hey man, you've been pretty quiet since the party," I glance up towards the voice at the doorway.
"Oh uh yeah I guess I have," I say closing the book I had been previously trying to read. It was just a bit of homework the coach had given us a few days ago, about trials and safely. "You can come in mate," I say waving him in. Casey wearily looks at me and around the room. God bro, it's not like a bomb had gone off or anything, there weren't dead bodies laying everywhere and blood dripping off the ceiling and walls.
"So..." Casey says once he's finally made his way into the room. I raise my eyebrow at him, what's with the weird silent talk.
"Just spit it out Casey," I say spinning my chair around to face him leaning against the wall.
"Damien's on the field, he says he'll leave after he's done talking with you," he says slowly and trying to tread lightly. I frown, what does Damian want. The match wasn't until seven and a bit weeks. I slowly get up out of my chair, Casey stands up too.
"We'll back you up if you need it," Casey informs me giving me a small smile.
"Let's get this over with then," I say closing the door behind us.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
As I come closer to the lonely figure standing on the field, I start to feel a little anxious. But I suck it up, this guy could literally sense fear. No kidding.
"I was wondering what I had to do to make you come down here," Damian says lowering the hood of his dark hoodie. "I was beginning to think you would never show up."
"Well I'm here now, aren't I," I say angrily, god he was annoying sometimes. Damian just smirks and glances around the field.
"Guess you are now," he mumbles . "So I've been informed about the 'deal' thing," he says quietly glancing back at me. I decide to just stay quiet, and so I shrug my shoulders while keeping my eyes on him. "You know you won't win right?" he says smiling slightly at me, I frown.
"My team and I have the equal amount of chance to win just as your team does," I say shifting my weight off my left foot. Damian throws his head back and laughs, like he's just heard the most funniest thing in the world, I raise my eyebrow at him. Damian's clutching his stomach as he continues to laugh heavily, I swear I would punch him if he didn't shut up.
"You.. you think that.. your team has.. a chance to beat.. mine," he says in between laughing fits. "That's so funny Hayden, stop being stupid," he snaps at me. My eyes widen at his outburst. "He's not going to let you win easily Hayden, he likes you and when he likes you.. he doesn't let you go easily," he says darkly. "This game thats happening, you don't have any equal amount of chance to win. Drake doesn't play fairly, he hates rules that aren't his own. He does it his way, or he makes it his way. You get me buddy?" I nod my head, as I take a step back. Damian doesn't notice because he's facing away from me, looking off to the field. So I take another step, and another. "There is no fair chance, there is no hope for you and your guys to win and Drake will make sure of that. Drake will crash you's anyway he can, any opportunity. He'll make sure you guys don't win Rose," he says turning around to glare at me, I freeze. "Foul play is the best play, so if I was you Hayden. I would pull out of this stupid deal, pack your things and go with Drake. At least then he'll look after you and he'll stay away from your things," he says darkly glancing behind me. I think of everything he's said, I had a feeling he was warning me and he wasn't meant to be.
"You're not meant to be here, are you?" I ask him, Damian glares at me.
"What if I wasn't, doesn't mean anything."
"Why are you telling me this Damian, why are you warning me?" I ask him. Damian looks out at the sunset that was slowly going down behind us.
"Because you have a good life mate, you have a sweet, kind, loving family. You have great friends, and a good education. You don't belong in this with us, I don't want to see you fall down like I did..." he trails off glancing at the ground. "You have people to protect, you have people that love and care about you. Dani still loves you dude, and she needs you not some guy who doesn't show up on time or never even calls her because he's busy being told what to do. You belong out here, on this very field, you don't belong with us. That's why I've warned you, Drake never follows the rules which mean people are gonna get hurt," he finishes looking at me. I lift my head do meet his graze.
"I have to win this Damian, I don't have a choice," I say quietly thinking of all the people I love. Everyone who needs me.
"Very well then," Damian says lifting his hoody back over his head. "Fight back don't hide. I'll see you in seven weeks Rose," I watch as Damian walks off. I continue to watch him until finally he's just a tiny dot in the distance.
"So what did he want?"
"You ok?"
"Stop asking him questions?"
I turn around, a smile on my face as I spot my teammates walking towards me. Casey was there with his arms around the twins, Walker was beside them giving me a nod.
"He was warning me," I say quietly, telling them all what I had heard. Leaving out the drugs part and saying that Drake was just a high person who was rough with sports.
"Well that was nice of him," Evan says finally. Ethan his twin, nods his head.
"But was it all just a trick?" he asks. I wish I could tell him it wasn't, but with Damian and Drake, you never know.
"You heard the guy, we fight and we don't hide," Walker says coming up to stand beside me. "We'll fight our way through all the training, we'll fight our hardest in the upcoming match," he continues throwing his arm around me.
"And we'll fight together," Ethan says also coming to stand with us, Evan joins too.
"We'll show those guys who's boss," Evan says excitedly, the rest of the team comes together as well.
"One, two, three," Casey says and we all pull our hands out and jump up, smiling and laughing.
"Now let's go and order some pizza I'm starving," says Mitch, rubbing his stomach.
"And let's play some Xbox."
"I've got shots on the PS3 first."
"You idiot, I'm versing you first," I sigh as I watch the twins fight each other playfully. I had to win this match for these guys, I couldn't let anything happen to them. I feel a hand on my shoulder, I look to see Casey giving me a small smile.
"Don't worry about it, we'll train harder and longer, we'll be at our best Hayden. Now let's stop worrying about this and have some fun," he says punching me in the shoulder. I grin as we both start running after the other guys. The mini party was an excellent idea to calm down and have some fun. I was happy, laughing and joking with the guys. But I still couldn't help the nagging feeling that something bad was going to happen and soon.
* * *
I'm so so so sorry guys, it's mid term exams last week and this week coming and I'm so hectic and last minute studying. Good news though that school knocks off in five weeks and then it's holidays so I'll be able to update more often. Yay! I'm sorry this chapter was super boring and short, but it needed to be here. I will try my hardest to update again either later today or tomorrow but if not I'll defiantly update next weekend :) hope you guys still enjoyed the chapter, please comment { Please don't be silent readers, voice your opinions, I'd love it with you guys did } follow, and vote and I'll catch you guys soon =)
~ My mother once said, that happiness is the best thing in life. So one day at school, my teacher asked me, "What do you want to be when you're older?" and I replied with, "Happy". My teacher shook her head and said that I didn't understand her question and I said that she didn't understand life =P ~
Amy xxx

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