Chapter One

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~ A month later ~

"Have you got everything, oh I swear you're forgetting something," my mum says in deep thought staring at the bags.

"Mum," I say putting my hands on her shoulders. "I'm a big boy, I'm now going to college. I can look after myself and I can always go and buy anything I'm missing. But I'm sure you've packed everything mum, I'm not missing anything at all." Well that wasn't true, I was missing something or more so someone. I had tried calling her, but she never answers. I had tried going over to her house but she won't answer that either. I know I had made her upset but ignoring me for a month. I missed her badly, I want her in my arms again.

"Let the boy go honey," dad says laughing as mum hugs me tightly. I softly pat mums back and hug her. She let's go wiping her eyes, she was crying softly. Dad hugs me next, wishes me luck and then puts his arms around mum. I turn my graze away, I wish I could do that with her.

"I don't want you to go Hayden," complains Felix crossing his arms. I smile and mess up his hair, he glares at me.

"I'm going to miss you to buddy," I say giving him a hug.

"Who's going to be my prank buddy now," he asks softly looking up at me.

"Well you always were the one to come up with the ideas mate, I'm pretty sure you can take Destiny out by yourself," I say grinning. "Now you have to take care of everyone, you're the big boy in the house now," I say smiling at him.

"But dads older," Felix points out frowning slightly. I laugh.

"I'll come visit in the holidays and we can prank Destiny all the time," I say making him smile again. I give him one last hug then move to my sister.

"Why are you doing this?" she asks her grey eyes looking into mine. I look down at my shoes, if only I could tell her.

"Cause footy is my life," I say instead shrugging my shoulders.

"No Dani is your life and that guitar of yours," she states glaring at me softly. I know that, they were my life but you can't always have what you want.

"I know," I say quietly, Destiny gives me a small sad smile.

"Then fix your mistake before it's to late Hayden," she says coming in for her hug. I rest my head on top of hers, she always could help people. But she couldn't help me, not this time.

"I love you too sis," I say giving her a smile.

"See you around mate," Hunter says nodding his head at me.

"Look after her mate," I say, Hunter nods his head.


I glance around, I guess this is when I go.

"Travel safe darling," my mum cries as I get into the car.

"Of course mother," I say, I wave one last time then drive off.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

After a long tiring ten hour drive, I had finally made it. I pull into a spare space at the front of the big brick building. I get out slowly, and grab my suitcase from the back.

"Hey mate," says a voice behind me. I turn around to see another guy standing behind me. The guy had dark brown hair and light blue eyes, he was tall but not as tall as me, he was made of muscle to but not overboard, he was still thin.

"Hey," I say grabbing my bag again and throwing it over my shoulder, while picking another one up.

"You starting here?" the guy asks watching me. He seemed friendly, sociable.

"Yeah and you?" I ask in return, as I shut my door and lock the car.

"Yeah I'm a newbie as well," he says laughing, I smile.

"Anyway I'm Casey," he says holding his hand out. I glance down at my hands that were holding my bags.

"I'm sorry I'm kinda..." I say look down at my hands, the guy laughs.

"God I'm such an idiot. Here let me help you," he says grabbing one of my bags and slinging it onto his shoulder.

"Thanks Casey, I'm Hayden by the way," I say now sense I had a hand free. I shake his stretched hand.

"Awesome, I believe you're the Hayden thats my roommate," he says starting to walk ahead of me.

"Nice," I answer while looking up at the building.

"It's pretty sweet here man, you'll enjoy it. The team meets up tomorrow afternoon for the first training day by the way," Casey informs me.

"Sweet," I say smiling. Don't get me wrong, I love footy but my heart was set on music and with Dani. Oh Dani, I wish she had shown up to see me off but then again I haven't heard from her in a month.

"There's a few parties we throw around here too, chicks come and everything. My girlfriend comes over to, she's really nice, been going out for about a year and a half," he says smiling as he talks about her. I think back to when Dani and I were dating, how happy we were. I missed her so much. If only I didn't stuff up, if only I had a choice but I didn't, my choice was taken away from me.

"Well here we are dude," Casey says opening the door. I blink, I hadn't even realized that we had walked all the way here.

"That's your bed over there, you can use the wardrobe there," Casey says pointing things out as he places my bag on the bed. I place the other one beside it and open it up. I smile as I find what I'm looking for, the frame with the picture of me and Dani caught in between a cuddle and a kiss. Destiny had caught the moment perfectly. I softly place the frame on the bedside table, turning it so it was facing me.

"I miss you Dani," I whisper quietly, I really really do.

* * *

Here's chapter one, I'm sorry if it's a little boring hopefully it'll pick up and get interesting as the time goes on. I'm having a little trouble with Hayden, not knowing what to write sense he's a guy and all but I'm trying my hardest. Next chapter is going to be Dani's, yay a girls POV I can do. What do you guys think so far of the story? What do you think of the characters? Comment, follow and vote :) I'll be back with another chapter hopefully soon :D I can't believe I just did three different chapters for three different stories hehe, world record for me :P

Amy xxx

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