Chapter Four

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"You called me in," I look up from my laptop screen.

"Yes I did, please have a seat friend," I say closing the lid of my laptop and looking up at my best friend in front of me.

"How have you been?" I ask him, the guy in front of me leans back in the chair.

"Good I guess, ran into a little friend down at the university today though," he says thoughtfully glancing at me. I sit up in my chair interested, he had my attention.

"Who is this friend?" I ask him, leaning my hands on the desk and leaning forwards.

"Oh you should remember him, pretty tall guy, got mixed up in your business last year. Nearly costed us our buisness, and then he had run away hiding like a pussy," he says flicking his hand. Oh I knew who he was talking about now, and he owed be a debt that I wanted to collect.

"And tell me everything about him, that you've found out," I say intrigued, I look at the clock on the wall. I only had twenty minutes before my next class, and I didn't want to be late. Plus I wanted to see that girl again, try and get close to her cause that was one thing that would work in my favor.

"Actually lets take this talk outside, I have class soon," I say getting up and grabbing my jumper.

"Yeah I have to head on back or people will wonder where I've got to," he says also getting up.

"Keep an close eye on the kid alright, I'll meet him when I'm ready," I say grabbing my case and opening the door.

"Alright, will do," he says closing the door behind us.

"I'll catch you at Jackie's tonight, invite the other guys. We'll celebrate this and talk there."

~ Hayden's Chapter ~

I couldn't believe my luck, I had been safe sense that day and now they had to find me again. At least hopefully my family would be safe but now I just really worried about Dani. Who did she have at the college to look after her, I remember her telling me that her friend Sam was coming with her but I was still worried. Maybe I should try calling or texting her again, but what if she just deleted it or didn't answer. Oh I wish I could've told her the real reason why I couldn't come with her there, I could've protected her. But I still can, at least I'll try my hardest to look out for her.

"You've been staring at that bit of grass for the past ten minutes dude, you feeling ok?" I look up to see Casey standing in front of me. He looked a little concerned.
"I'm fine," I say quietly, just fine.
"Well if you need any help or anything bro, I'm here," he says smiling at me before turning around and walking off towards the other guys. Help, maybe if I had some help I could help Dani, keep her safe from danger but would Casey help and I didn't want to put him in danger. Although I had a feeling he's already involved somehow, some way just like I was. I quickly jump to my feet.
"Yo Casey!" I cry out loudly, I watch as he turns around and lifts his head up a little higher. "You sure you want to help?" I ask him, Casey nods his head and meets me halfway.
"Yeah, I'll help anyway I can. What exactly am I helping you with though?" he asks frowning slightly. I think the answer over, I think of lying to him, and telling the truth but I go for the need to know stuff only.

"I think my girlfriends in trouble. There was this ex and he's really obsessed with having her, and I'm really worried that I can't exactly look out for her here," I say looking around the giant field. Casey nods his head, thinking.

"I can help you, we'll think of things later tonight at the room," he says returning his graze to me. "I had a feeling you weren't single, had to be a girl in there somewhere," he says winking at me. I look down at the grass, zooming in on a single grass blade. 

"Thanks dude," I mumble, I than hear a whistle in the distance.

"Coach is already here," the both of us say at the same time.

"Where in the name of sports is HAYDEN ROSE and CASEY SCOTT!"

* * *

Here's chapter four guys :) who do you guys reckon is X and the other guy? what were they talking about? why is Hayden worried for Dani? What is going on? hehe don't worry you'll find it all out soon enough :P hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, if you did please comment, follow and vote. That would be amazing and make me really happy :) thanks for taking the time to read and I'll be back soon with chapter five :D     ~ Cookies and Cream <3 ~ 

Amy xxx

P.S if you any ideas, answers, questions or just feel like talking to someone just comment or pm anytime, I'm always here to listen and help anyone anyway I can :) and I'm sorry that its a kinda short chapter, I was getting pretty tired at the end of this so I'll try and make it up to you all :P

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