Chapter Eight

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{ Dani's POV }

Oh god, what had I done. I had kissed him back, and I actually missed it. Kissing him, hugging him, just him overall. Hayden hadn't really changed much now that I thought of it. The only difference was that he was really tan now, defiantly more musuclar than before and he looked older. Like he still smiled, but it didn't quite reach his stunning dark green eyes. And now that I thought about it, his dark brown hair had lightened a bit from the sun as well. I guess he had changed a bit sense than. I guess I had to, my long black hair now had highlights added in thanks to Sam. I had also harden up, at least thats what Sam had told me, I had a wall built around me now. Only a few people could actually break it down and make me well me again. But at the end of the day, I was still the little sad girl that had lost her bestfriend and lover.

"And last but not least everyone. Team three will be made up of Drake... Dani and Hayden..." wait what. I look up at the stage area to see Jason smiling at the crowd as they go wild with excitement. I was in a group with Hayden and Drake, no this couldn't be right. Were the sky's really punishing me? Cause if they were, they're doing their job well. How could I cope with both of the two guys. I think I had kinda developed feelings for Drake but I don't know with him and Hayden I still loved him. "Meet at the centre in fifteen minutes for your group chat and deciding the song choice. Good luck." Oh my god, I only had fifteen minutes before I would face both the guys. I needed something to drink and calm myself down, like right now.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
{ Hayden's POV }
How did I not see it, all the pieces fell into their places now. I thought that I had gotten rid of them, never to see them again but I guess I was dead wrong. It happened when Hunter came over to our house that night, the night he had been injured. Once Destiny had stitched him up and I paid him a visit. I had found out what was happening and what he had gotten into. I did a little research about this Brock King dude and found out that he had been in and out of prison sense a young age always for drugs. Apparently he was one member of this big drug group hanging around town. I ended up following Brock one afternoon as he left his house, my friend gave me the info on him. Brock ended up at this pub/bar thing, called Jackie's. There I stayed for two hours watching as two other guys joined him. One guy who I later learned was Damian, seemed to be like the youngest guy out of the group. Then it went Brock, big tough guy. Last but not least was the other guy with dark dark and green eyes went by the name of dragon. I don't know what strength I had, and where it came from but I talked with them. About Hunter and Matt and the misunderstanding that had happened. The guys all laughed at me bluntly.
"I'll make you a deal mate," says dragon while handing me a little black box. "Sell these, give me the money. I own you when you step out of this building Hayden, and I'll cut myself off of the boys." He says leaning back in his chair waiting for my answer. I don't know why I did, was it because I felt like I owed the boys something or was it because they had been dragged into this like me. But I nodded my head anyway and by night I was known as a drug dealer, by day I was a football legend and older brother. I had been doing it for a few months before I had meet Dani and fell for her. I decided that I didn't want this hidden life and so I had left, ran away and hid for a while. I thought I had lost them, but they're back.
"Hayden, we meet again. We need to talk."
A/N: Yes guys, finally you have your answers. Hopefully you're not mad at me any longer for keeping you's waiting but you now know some of the secrets hehe :P
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
{ Dani's POV }
Where were the guys, it had been fifteen minutes and here I was standing by the stage stupidly by myself. I watch the other two groups laugh and play around, figuring out which song they would choose. I glance at the clock that had been set up above the stage area, big red 18.43 glared at me. The clock was counting down, we now only had eighteen minutes and forty three no wait two seconds left. I sigh and glance at the groups again, a couple of then were giving me pitiful looks.
"Damn it boys, where are you's?" I mumble crossly looking around for them.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
{ Hayden's POV }
"So we finally meet again Hayden," Dragon says smiling wickedly at me. He's changed a bit, grown the long black a bit and now has it spiky and he still has the green eyes. "Long time no see."
"Yeah," I say slowly glancing around me. We were just outside the party area, near a bunch of trees and old wooden benches. I was happy to see plenty of people around so I'm sure he wouldn't try anything.
"How you've been partner," he continues on smiling like we've been best mates for years. I didn't know what to think or do, was this all just a plan to catch me and make me pay the price for leaving.
"Pretty good thanks for asking," I say simply, people around us glance our way. So this guy standing in front of me had two life's. One was a college kid, plays guitar and everyone loves him when he sings. Then the next he's one of the biggest drug dealers in town or probably even the country well probably not but close to it. What was this guys real name, I remember hearing it from Jason earlier when he was using the mic but I just couldn't remember.
"And how's your girl, you know the one in the sexy red leggings?" He asks grinning as I clench and unclench my hand. I took a deep breathe, he did not just call Dani sexy in front of me. Don't get me wrong, Dani is sexy but saying that to my face is not a great idea. "Heartbroken and lonely I presume sense you guys broke up. Shame really, but oh well I guess she's mine now Hayden," he continues grinning. This guy was annoying me and taunting me, and I so badly wanted to punch him. Changing by the grin on his face, he knew it too.
"She'll never be yours," I ground out, people around us slowly back away like they know a fights about to happen.
"You sure about that?" he asks as he reaches into his pocket and opens his phone up. I frown as I watch him click a few buttons than he hands the phone over to me still grinning. I look down to see a photo of Dani and him in a photo booth, laughing and obliviously having a good time. Dani was smiling, like really smiling, she was happy to really happy. I hand the phone back to him, and glare at him angrily.
"Tell you what," he says suddenly glancing down at his phone quickly. "I'll make you another deal Hayden, you were pretty good on my team before you ran away." I shake my head, making deals with this guy wasn't a very good idea. You would be stuck with him forever. "You'll listen to this deal Ross, after all I'm giving you a chance to free yourself." I look at him, he seemed to be telling the truth. Maybe this could be my chance to escape this, did I have a chance.
"Fine I'm listening."
"Well I have a shipment coming over the night before the big game. I want you to sell it after the game, then if you sell it all. I'll let you off the hook for leaving, no punishment but I'll still own you and you'll do whatever I say." I shake my head.
"No deal, maybe I can tell you my deal," I say slowly, the dude frowns but nods his head.
"Be quick with it than."
"My team is versing Damian's team right?" I ask, he nods his head wearily. "If my team wins the match, I'm cut free from all this crap and you leave me and everyone I know alone," I say slowly.
"And if you lose?" he asks raising his eyebrow interested.
"If I lose..." I think of it, I don't want to say this but I do. "You own me, and I'll do whatever you want including selling," I say bravely and surprisingly calm. The guy thinks this over, but then he nods his head and grins.
"You've got yourself a deal then kid," he says smiling as he holds his hand out to me.
I take my hand and shake his, his firm was tightly griped. "Two months Rose, and we'll see who wins," he says, I nod my head as he let's go of my hand.
"Hayden? Drake? Where the hell have you two been the past half hour?" I turn to see an angry version of Dani, hands on her hips, her mouth tight.
"We've been socialization tiger," Drake says, so Drake was the guys real name. Wait did he just call her tiger, I was so going over to him and punching him.
"Don't you call me that," Dani says pointing her finger crossly at him. Woah she really wasn't in a good mood, I guess she didn't need my help with fighting Drake off. But if he went to far, I would personally send him to the hospital.
"What song we singing?" I ask trying to break the awkward silence between the three of us. No one makes a move to speak, I glance at Drake but he's staring at something behind me. I look over at Dani but her eyes are to the floor, just glaring at the floor. Finally I watch as Dani lifts her head up, stands up taller and glances at the both of us.
"What doesn't kill you (Stronger)" she says quietly and with that she turns around and walks up onto the stage. Leaving me and Drake staring after her, I guess this was show time then.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
{ Dani's POV }
I really had no idea how this stage area had been set up in the middle of the woods. Like seriously, come on. I had chosen this song for quite a few reasons, I just hoped the boys knew the song and words. I blink as the lights turn back on and I can see people screaming and jumping all excited again. I smile as I hear the background music playing softly. Well here goes nothing.I smile as I hear Drakes voice beside me. I turn to face him, he was smiling at me as he sung.
"And do the things I want..."
Now it's my turn, this is what I want to sing. I take a deep breathe and sing.
"You think you got the best of me
Think you've had the last laugh
Bet you think that everything good is gone
Think you left me broken down
Think that I'd come running back
Baby you don't know me, cause you're dead wrong."
All three of us join in as we sing the chorus together, I had to admit we blended in well our voices.
"You heard that I was starting over with someone new
They told you I was moving on over you..." I can't help but wonder my eyes over to Hayden, he has watching me silently.
"Thanks to you I got a new thing started."
"Thanks to you I'm not the broken hearted."
"Thanks to you I'm finally thinking about me." Hayden and I go back and fourth with the lyrics. Until finally we're nearly finished.
"What doesn't kill you makes you stronger, stronger
Just me, myself and I
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger
Stand a little taller
Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone..." The boys stand on either side of me, waiting for me to finish. I take a step back from them, so I'm behind.
"When I'm alone..." I finish the song and stare at the crowd. Like before they all jump up, clapping, cheering, screaming all excited, all happy. None of them know the story and meaning behind the song. It's just a song that makes the crowd happy, entertains them. I feel my eyes tear up a bit, my vision was going blurry. I quickly turn and flee the scene, rushing past Drake and Hayden and down the steps. I just had to get away from this stage, the singing, it was to much for me to handle.
"Dani wait up," I knew the voice belonged to Hayden. I rush pass all the other kids, no one bothered to help me or ask what's wrong. I end up finally pass all the kids, and in the middle of this large cut off forest part. Trees surrounding me, a huge rock sat in the middle, flowers surrounding it. I ran to the rock and sat down, leaning my back on it. I brought my shoulders and knees forward and hid my face, crying softly. It wasn't far, nothing was far. This wasn't my Fairytale, this isn't what I wanted.
"Dani." I slowly lift my head up, and see his dark green eyes, they were worried looking. "Shh, don't cry baby," he says softly, he moves down and tries to pull me into his arms. At first I fight him, he was the reason I was broken. I kick and punch but he's made of steel and doesn't budge even when I hit his chest in rage. "Dani come on, let me please," he says softly pleading with me. I stop suddenly and start crying again, this time I don't fight as he pulls me into his arms. Wrapping his long arms around me, holding me tightly, while whispering things in my ear softly. "I'm so sorry, I'm so so sorry baby," he mumbles over and over again quietly, holding me tight. I feel something cold land on my arm, I frown as I look up slowly lifting my head to see Hayden crying. I was shocked to see him crying, so shocked that I stopped crying. I knew it was a stereotype that boys don't cry but seeing a guy first hand, it was beautiful in a way. To just see how much he was hurting too, know that he was suffering just as much as me.
"Hayden..." I say very softly and quietly. Hayden stops crying, wipes his eyes and glances down at me. "You were right," I say softly, he frowns.
"About what?" he asks confused, he moves so that he can turn me so that I'm facing him, still on his lap.
"About me being over you..." I trail off shyly, he gives me a small smile.
"I know, I never can get over you Dani. You're always on my mind, even in my dreams. I missed you so much that I can't even explain how much I missed you. I worried everyday if you were alright. All the times I rang or messaged you and not hearing anything back. I missed singing with you, cuddling, watching videos, kissing you and just you. Because my world is nothing without you," he says, making me tear up as he came to the end of his little speech.
"Did you just quote 1st Lady?" I ask giggling quietly. Hayden grins and nods his head. I smile as Hayden wraps his arms around me again and pulls me closer into him, it was getting cold. I yearn as I turn around carefully, I rest my head on his shoulder and chest and snuggle into him, bringing my arms close to my face.
"I love you Dani, I really do and I'm going to try my hardest to prove it to you," Hayden says softly but I don't hear him cause I'm already fast asleep.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~
{ Hayden's POV }
I smile tiredly as I glance down at her sleeping form, she was breathe taking gorgeous. I will win this bet with Drake, I will win my life back and I'll make it right with Dani. I have to, I need to.
"Sweet dreams my beloved," I say softly kissing her forehead.
"And the winners of the night are... Dani, Hayden and Drake, congrats guys," I hear Jason say over the mic. I grin, I was happy.
* * *
First of all I am so so so sorry everyone for not updating in a while. I've been so flat out with school lately, it's crazy at the moment. But hopefully I've made it up to you's by giving you some answers and some Dani and Hayden time :D I don't know when I'll be able to update again, hopefully in the next few days depending on school and things. Hopefully you guys really enjoyed the chapter, I really hope you did hehe :) don't forget to comment down below, follow and vote, that'll mean a lot to me :D oh and happy Halloween, well it was Halloween for me yesterday hehe :P
~ People cry not because they're weak. It's because they've been strong for too long. ~
~ Missing someone is a part of loving them. If you're never apart, you'll never really know how strong your love is ~
Amy xxx
P.S the song is What Doesn't Kill You (Stronger) by Kelly Clarkson :)

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